My Diary - 2013

Yea its good if you have someone else.. I'm the same.. I'm not paying €9 to stand on a scales and leave again.. Never mind the time wasted in traffic getting there and back.. I'll back when I know I can stay for the class...
I need to do it really, but Im back on track.. and feeling good.. I just cant justify paying the money just to get weighed... when I can do it at home. I have a few friends who are also doing sw now... and we have agreed to weigh round her x

Me and my friends are doing this to all weighing Friday mornings and trying to motivate each other
Brekkie: HUGE orange and red grapefruit sprinkled with Canderel and some linseed (3.5syns)
Lunch: Red, yellow & green pepper, red onion, tomato, beetroot, 2 slices of ham, tblsp light coleslaw (4 syns) & 2 Nimble wholemeal bread (HeB)
Dinner:Wholemeal pasta and Homemade meatballs in (homemade) tomato & basil sauce topped with grated cheese (HeA)
Depending on the syns of linseed and light coleslaw I might even allow myself a slice of garlic bread.. Will see what syns I have left first tho.. So for now.. No garlic bread (If I think i'm having i'll feel deprived by not having it come dinner time.. so mind games it is :D)
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Dinner sounds amazeballs - I love pasta and meatballs. Garlic bread would defo make it perfection haha. Well done on the loss chick xXx
Dinner sounds amazeballs - I love pasta and meatballs. Garlic bread would defo make it perfection haha. Well done on the loss chick xXx
Plenty to go around if you're in the area... lol...
Ta hun.. Not a real loss as am sure it was from dehydtration but a nicer number to see on the scales :)
Plenty to go around if you're in the area... lol...
Ta hun.. Not a real loss as am sure it was from dehydtration but a nicer number to see on the scales :)

Can't even afford the fuel in me car chick hahaha!!? Have burgers ready in the fridge for din dins... they always fill me up really well so hoping not to snack much tonight. I'm a night time snacker for sure.

I need to see a nice number on the scales haha... I'm disasterous lol
Can't even afford the fuel in me car chick hahaha!!? Have burgers ready in the fridge for din dins... they always fill me up really well so hoping not to snack much tonight. I'm a night time snacker for sure.

I need to see a nice number on the scales haha... I'm disasterous lol
I've turned into a night time snacker.. And chocolate is not safe around me anymore.. What has happened to me????!!! lol
I've turned into a night time snacker.. And chocolate is not safe around me anymore.. What has happened to me????!!! lol

I'm exactly the same. I have no idea what's wrong with me. The amount of chocolate I can eat would feed a small family ;)
I'm exactly the same. I have no idea what's wrong with me. The amount of chocolate I can eat would feed a small family ;)
Yea but I was never a chocolate fan.. I liked it, but could go without it no bother.. No I find I can't come out of a shop without buying SOME chocolate....
Brekkie: HUGE orange and red grapefruit sprinkled with Canderel and some linseed (anyone know syn value of linseed???)
Lunch: Red, yellow & green pepper, red onion, tomato, beetroot, 2 slices of ham, tblsp light coleslaw & 2 Nimble wholemeal bread (HeB)
Dinner:Wholemeal pasta and Homemade meatballs in (homemade) tomato & basil sauce topped with grated cheese (HeA)
Depending on the syns of linseed and light coleslaw I might even allow myself a slice of garlic bread.. Will see what syns I have left first tho.. So for now.. No garlic bread (If I think i'm having i'll feel deprived by not having it come dinner time.. so mind games it is :D)
OMG my lunch was AMAZEBALLS... So nice and hugely filling.. Why can't I always be as orgranised as I was this morning?!
Just been on SW website and I last WI on 18/03... And was 12st 3.5lb... and today's WI was the same.. So altho I had a gain... Its gone and i've maintained since then.. Really pleased with that as I have been atrocious food wise!!! So I don't have to play catch up at all... Whoohoo :D
Re: Frances' Slimming World Journey... Starts here...

Ah nice to see that any gain is gone. Well done you. x

Happy Friday xxx

Morning lovely.. And you :)

Off to the docs soon.. Bloody broke out in a cold sore in my nose again :( Not that long since I've had one n usually only get them after I've had a cold.. So going over to get a prescription to treat it as they get very sore.. And ugly as hell!!!

Reading a book ATM that I highly recommend to everyone!! Its chic lit so if yer into that.. defo invest!!! I've got it on my e-reader so can't pass it on :( Its called The First Last Kiss... SO SAD and lovely and addictive.. I don't want it to end...