ProPoints my diary to a happier, skinnier, more confident jenn jenn xox

Am snacking as i type curly wurly & pombears hehe!!! IM going to use them all see how i go!! I ordered them shoes last night early Xmas pres to meee :-D xxx
Skinny2be!! said:
Am snacking as i type curly wurly & pombears hehe!!! IM going to use them all see how i go!! I ordered them shoes last night early Xmas pres to meee :-D xxx

oooh woohoo I'm ordering mine tomorrow can't wait to get them :D they are just amazing.

ooh curly wurly is my favorite low pp treat it feels so naughty, I put mine in the freezer so it lasts longer and I prefer it like that :) xox
my weigh in is Monday, when's yours :D xox
oooh I'm sure will do fab :) can't wait to see how much u lose :D.

yoill get use to using your weeklies, and once u see that u can lose whilst using them, u won't feel guilty at all ;) xox
I hope so, last time i did weight watchers i never touched them was too scared to!! But it did make things abit harder as i could never eat out and was hungry most of the time, xx
yea exactly that's why they are they, I've actually noticed that most people seem to lose more when they use them all :D xox
diary for today was a bit rubbish tbh I completely missed dinner (oops) xox

breakfast: belvita only ate 3 4pp
dinner: ham pasta bake 12pp
snacks: wotsits 2pp
Aldi mini bubbles 2pp

will update rest later xox

Had a kit Kat 3pp

Still got 9pp left but I feel I'm just eating crap do I have to eat all my pp everyday? Xox
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Well used the other 9pp on:

Groovy biscuit aldi 3pp
Mini bubbles 2pp
Cheese puffs 2pp

I stuck within my pp but I've literally eaten craps all day like crisps and biscuits I'm really hoping this won't effect my weigh in as I have stuck within my points xox
It shouldn't affect your weigh in aslong as its pointed within your points!! :) i just figured if u eat crap with your points then ull eat less n feel hungry, but that's the beauty of ww eat wat u want as long as its pointed!! :D
am obsessing with shoes now,just ordered my wedding shoes :D xxx
Skinny2be!! said:
It shouldn't affect your weigh in aslong as its pointed within your points!! :) i just figured if u eat crap with your points then ull eat less n feel hungry, but that's the beauty of ww eat wat u want as long as its pointed!! :D
am obsessing with shoes now,just ordered my wedding shoes :D xxx

Oooh love shoes as u know where did u order them from? I remember when I planned my wedding I had everything planned in like a few weeks I was so excited ha ha!! Xox
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IM like that 2 everything is done now!! Ive ordered the rhinestone louboutins!!! Beautiful, wedding pres to me! Wont tell h2b how much they cost tho!!! :-D
its so exciting!!! Honeymoon booked today 2!! Xx
Woah they are amazing shoes I love them, worth ever penny though I bet ha ha :).

I've had a really bad night eaten everything but the kitchen sink :( now I'm feeling like s*it tbh :(. I don't know why I ever do it to myself I'll prob sts or have a gain this week now :( baaaaahhhh xox
Aww Hun,ur only human just put it behind you n start a fresh tomorrow, oh had a McDonalds tonight but i refused & made myself a gorgeous dinner!!

the shoes are defo worth it, he will say how much were they if i said £50 he wud b clueless so all good!!

i have to keep them on my feet i went to a party once n stupidly took my loubies off feet were hurting n some1 stole them!! Was so upset plus it was nye snowing n i had to get home in bare feet :( x
Skinny2be!! said:
Aww Hun,ur only human just put it behind you n start a fresh tomorrow, oh had a McDonalds tonight but i refused & made myself a gorgeous dinner!!

the shoes are defo worth it, he will say how much were they if i said £50 he wud b clueless so all good!!

i have to keep them on my feet i went to a party once n stupidly took my loubies off feet were hurting n some1 stole them!! Was so upset plus it was nye snowing n i had to get home in bare feet :( x

thanks hun I'm putting it behind me a raring to go today :D no point in feeling bad, what's done is done.

a massive well done for resisting mc donalds and boo to your oh for having it in front of u ha ha!!

and omg that's hilarious 50 quid if only he knew haha, good job men know nothing about shoes ;) xox
I know, he really doesn't have a clue, in totally addicted to buying clothes from next for my baby boy & i just hang them up he never notices haha!!!

i play the ' i bought this ages ago card' ha!!!

i went 4 pub lunch today n had a tuna baguette wen i pointed it it was all my points so now im starving :(

well done on starting afresh today :) xxx
Well I've got a bit of a confession I fell off the wagon big time again lastnight but I'm definitely back on it today, I do feel pretty bad about it cause I know I'll definitely get a gain this week now :(.

Food today:

breakfast:porridge 5pp
Lunch: cottage cheese ham salad 3pp
Bag of wotsits 2pp
Dinner:pasta bake with cheese 13pp
Snacks: aldi groovy bar 3pp

Will update the rest later xox

Had some cottage cheese and cheese puffs 5pp as had two lots of cottage cheese which is 3pp

And milk in coffee 1pp
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I'm so worried that if I have a gain tomorrow it will send me off balance :(. And I have a very strong suspicion I would have at least gained a couple pounds and I have weigh in in the morning the best outcome I could ask for is to sts but I feel that is unlikely with the banquet I ate yesterday :( my god I'm feeling low about this now xox