day 71 - lawyer, you are right. i dont know where my head is at the moment. i am not lying when i say that it is all over the place. i totally forgot about my last shake, i had 2 shakes and then some wholegrai tea and toast made by my kids. felt bad about that too but it was supposed to be a full day off so i cant make myself feel too bad. having a really bad time at the moment. i keep thinking its really bad PMT as i have not had my tom yet, but i think it may be worse than that. i feel really low and have been struggling for a few weeks now. maybe i should come off CD for a while and see how i feel, but i know this will make me feel worse. i am hoping i feel better this week i really am as its not fair on my family.
i dont mind being on cd and losing 1lb a week but being on it and losing nothing seems so expensive and silly. see? its thoughts like these that make me feel worse. anyway, not gonna dwell on the negatives. i dont care if i lose a pound a week and only 4bs a month i am gonna stick to cd as long as it takes me to get to goal. i have no vices, i am currently not eating out, drinking, dont smoke, dnt shop etc so dont feel bad about the money i am spending on cd. this is for me!
there prep talk done for today and one litre of water down too. thanks for your kind words lawyer, they really help and its so nice when i log in and see someone has taken them time to respond to my diary. so, onwards for me in this week 11.