My Diary

You have a fab weekend too! Make sure you enjoy that pizza.. (for all of us!)
Sounds like you have a much more pleasant walking route than me KB!
Pleasant when the sun shines, PK but last night I thought the dog might blow away and he looked like he needed wringing out he was so wet when we got back. But yes, I'm very lucky.
Had my pizza and vodka as planned and thoroughly enjoyed both but back on the wagon now, hoping for a reasonable loss come Tuesday. 2 pounds would be fabulous, any more than that a bonus.
I have a few days/nights out coming up and while I'm not going to be skinny for any of them I can be skinnier than I am now. In 2 weeks I have a BBQ, it's my husband's family so honestly I could do without it. Nice people but not my kind of people and there will be hundreds of them. I have been informed that I have to make a fruit salad and that's fine but I don't make fruit salad as I don't like it AND it's a very expensive dessert in this day and age, no such thing as cheap fruit! I could think of better things but as usual I'll do as I'm told.
Then in June i have a school reunion, 25 years left in June!!! AArrrggghhh how did that happen? Anyway, I don't want to go to that either but an old friend from years ago has got in touch and asked if I'll go with her so I have said yes. Nothing to wear of course but I'm sure I'll find something.
Goodness, I really am an old yap, I'll shut up now, hope you are all having a great weekend,

KB x
Well we get the blowiness and no nice views!

And personally I love fruit salad! :p but never mind. Sometimes you have to show your face at things to be polite.
do you have an aldi or a lidl near you?? as they do sell fruit cheaper... or how about going to the market close to you at the end of the day ands ee what fruit they will sell off cheap to you.. just an idea.. :)
No Aldi in Northern Ireland :cry: But we do have Lidl. Don't mind me, I'm just whining, only cos I don't want to go but it's got to be done, grin and bear it. Maybe a few pounds lighter than now, that would be good.

KB x
i hate family things... but you never know you might actually like it... (well thats a long shot...) lol
A VERY long shot, Kes.
On the up side, 3 pounds off this week so WOOOOOPPP!!! that's 8 pounds in 2 weeks, suits me. More later,

KB x
well done on the 3lbs, (and 8lbs in 2 weeks!!) that more than i did on CD!! well done!!
keep that up and you will be there in no time!
Hi KB - I just popped in to Minis on a whim while having my tea break at work, and saw that you're back :D It's really good to hear that you're getting back into the zone and doing so well since your re-start.
I've been well and truly off the wagon since the beginning of April, and I've put well over a stone back on, but I'm slowly but surely preparing myself to re-start at some point over the next few days (maybe Friday, maybe Monday, or even next Wednesday) It all depends how long it takes me to eat all the 'bad' food in the house, and to get my head into gear.

Hope to catch up with you all soon, and thanks Kes for your message on my diary - I haven't been around at all lately, and I've been avoiding my own diary like the plague, but I WILL be back soon!!!
yay.,... all we need now is to get Kae back on board and the old gang (plus loads more new ones) are back!! :)
ALEX!! Oh my goodness how great to hear from you. Good luck with the restart. Now where is Kae?? Must have a go at her on FB.
I'm pleased with the loss, I'm getting closer and closer to getting "in the zone" but still feel I'm on the edge of it. I can keep it together really well until the weekends and then it all goes horribly wrong. This is why I allowed myself the pizza this weekend and it seems to have worked. I am walking miles and that is all down to the dog, he needs out no matter what the weather throws at us so that is great. We were like drowned rats when we came in last night but it's all exercise so I probably get away with eating more because of that.
Have a great day everyone!

KB x
Thanks, Rach. An iffy day today with one thing and another, deferred dinner as tonight was the school fair and started at 6, I was looking after a stall and had to be there at half 5, was too early to eat. I ended up taking the money on the BBQ which wasn't ideal but there were 2 nice soldiers doing the cooking, 2 policemen complete with bikes and cars and a whole engine full of firemen surrounding me so I wasn't complaining! I didn't even have a burger in the end cos I was sick looking at them by home time. So I haven't had any dinner and it's too late now so I might just go to bed instead. Weekend fast approaching. Husband and no1 son will be away, usually an excuse to stuff myself. Stay strong!

KB x
Ooohhhh men in uniform Oooohhhh LOL
Hope your weekend went well KB!
My lads school always has the firemen in on school fairs :D

Hope you're having a nice weekend!

Do you have Morrisons? They have a tray of 4 pears ofr 30p at the moment and some other salad bits, the pears are lovely when softened a bit :)

Lou x
I will have to post a STS today, not bad considering the weekend. It all went horribly wrong but I'm not going to dwell on it, time to move on!. Back on the wagon since yesterday.
No Morrisons here, Bunny hops (no waitrose/aldi either, goodness we're like a third world country!) It's a pity cos I love pears.
Off to time the sports day heats this morning so more later,

KB x