My Diary :)

Deffo have more protein during tom hunny. Your doing grand Xx
thanks chickie! ye i think i shall lol, well ok so heres my plan! aalready 13st 4lb :D had a sneaky weigh in hehe and ive had, chicken from kfc today grilled with salad no krutons and no tomatoes, then had a shake this morning and shake before dinner, which was sprouts, turkey, and then i had 3 small potatoes and half a yorkshire pudding and some gravy as im going out for my 21st tomoz and im taking the out of ketosis thing super slowly! really enjoying it so far and not fussed about no carbs! just thought id come out of ketosis but still eat sensibly so i can enjoy myself, if it wasnt such a big bash im having id stick to plan but oh well lol, ordering 2 weeks worth tomoz! got one shake left for the morning and then gunna have to have 2 chicken and salad! going to really have to stretch my last shake =[ but i can do it! just think 4 more pounds, 4 more pounds, 4 more pounds to my first goal haha xxx
Hey girls back after my bday! On day 3 again now and weigh in at 13st 3.5lb! God knows how but there u go lol just 3 more lb to first goal not getting weighed till day 8 now! Unless I really need some inspiration x
I don't know why they don't allow carrots and steak n sugar free energy drinks on plan! I'm in ketosis n been eating n drinking all those thinks lol
Drinks don't affect everyone hun,I've always had redbull with no problem. Steak is done, just protein

Well done xxx
thanks hunny, id die without my redbull on a morning lol hope your ok, fingers crossed for another lb off tomoz but i dought it lol having my curry with chicken its bloody lovely! lol xxx
Mmmmm the curry is lush :) got some for Monday

Got the thumbs up for my op so mega excited

Have a good weekend hun Xx
omg wow! thats awesome babes! when is it booked for? how much you weight now? youve done so well! xxx
Funding got accepted this week, surgeons away so not sure yet. Hopefully before Xmas :)

I'm hovering just over 9 at, hopefully be under by Monday, slowly refeeding. Got a wee bit more to go :)
Awh grats hun that's amazing! Don't forget you'll loose weight after boob op as I bet they'll way a good few lbs each! Lol xxx
Got weighed this morning and I'm 13st 2lb!!!! Lightest I've been in about 3 years! 2more lbs to first goal! Can't wait! I hate weekends tho I always get distracted at least at college I can stick 100% on plan! X
Well done hun

Yeah I'm expecting 10lb ish but then I'll be inactive for 6-8 weeks!! So need to get as low as possible, no doubt some will creep on when stuck in bed!

Weekends are tough, nearly there now Xx
Thanks chick! 13st 1lb this morning! 1.5 pounds to next goal :D n I need to poo too so maybe already there lmfao! Gunna have my SnS fibre when I'm home! Been abit naughty n had three jelly beans today! N a few nerds! Oh well hopefully I use up all the sugar by tonight not getting weighted till weds now! Xx
still 13st 1lb doing my head in! need a big woooooooooooooosssssssshhhhhhhhhh xx
So official weigh in was 13st 1lb! Just like before I've stopped 1 pound off next stone bracket lol oh well this week will hopefully shift it! Got drunk last night n ate a takeaway :/ oh well back on the wagon! Xx
Onwards and downwards hunny :)

Your going grand xxx
Thanks hunny! Really want the next stone bracket now! Grrrr lol xxx
Oh dear my little hiccough gained me 3lb! Ah well still 9lb down from the week before I started! Moving on 100% day today :) getting into full ketosis! Xx
Just be water hun soon wooooosh away xxx
Thanks hunny! I hope so lol hopefully be gone by tomoz, had extra protein instead of carbs today! My sons 2nd birthday and the food is everywhere lol! So had a steak n two eggs instead! Got my last pack for tonight and ordering more SnS Tuesday :) xxx