Day 142 had my 20th weigh in yesterday and lost 4.5lbs in total I've lost 7st 3lbs or 102lbs to celebrate I got my hair cut into a totally different style.
tweekedgirl said:That's such a fantastic weight loss, you should be so pleased with yourself.
And don't listen to your OH, as Squishy said he's probably only jealous about the attention. Remember you're doing this for you, so stop when you feel happy. Also, congrats on starting uni, what are you studying? x
al30 said:You are so strong you can do it over xmas, do what you want to do not what other people think you should do. had to laugh at the car door, went shopping with my sister and she parked fairly close to a wall as i went to get out she started to drive i said what u doing she said you'll never get out that close to the wall i said EXCUSE ME i've lost three stone and got out easy lol
toddshar said:Day 2 I can't do this really struggling my will power has gone I ain't got the strength to fight the urges!!!! Arghhhhhhhhh
squishymcfatterson said:Of course you can! Think how bad you felt when you ate? Was it even that tasty? Which would you prefer- to eat, or to get to your goal weight? I know which is chooseYou can do this ToddShar! Xxx