Morning everyone, hope you had lovely weekends. Mine was pretty eventful - disaster after disaster! First, I woke up on Saturday morning with face swelling (allergic reaction) - I spent 8 months last year having allergic reactions and never got to the cause of them, so really strange to have another one out of the blue... but luckily it wasn't too bad so just took a strong antihistamine rather than face A&E. It seems to have been a one-off so have avoided a course of steroids. Oddly I think it was a new lipstick that made me react, so will be checking the ingredients of Bare Minerals lipsticks for allergens.
Then, I had a gallbladder attack on Saturday night (from 3am to 7pm - joy). I haven't had one for about a year, and seems strange that I had one just after discussing it on this forum

I was in agony, and tried the apple cider vinegar trick to no avail... I am always STARVING after these attacks, and previously the doctors have told me that I should make sure I eat something substantial after an attack (apparently a full stomach helps the gallbladder start functioning properly afterwards) so I did have some toast for breakfast. Bad I know, but needs must.
THEN, last night I couldn't find my keys anywhere. They were definitely not in the house, as we cleared everything away for the builders item by item, so I knew where everything in the house was. Either means we threw them away by accident (unlikely) or I left them in the door and someone took them (sadly more likely). And the set of keys had a burglar alarm fob on them, so if someone uses them, they would be able to switch our alarm off straight away. So another sleepless night panicking that someone was going to try and get into the house during the night.
Luckily this morning I have managed to reset our house alarm fobs AND our lovely builders have agreed to fit new locks for me. So hopefully I should have more sleep tonight! I'm out with a friend tonight doing a 'modern calligraphy' class, so that should be fun - it should be interesting anyway, as my handwriting is rubbish!
And apart from the toast, I was pretty good food-wise at the weekend. I did go out for lunch with a friend on Saturday, but had steak and broccoli so don't think that was too bad. Back on 100% today (gosh, I seem to say that every Monday!) x