Total Solution My Exante journey..

Morning everyone, hope you had lovely weekends. Mine was pretty eventful - disaster after disaster! First, I woke up on Saturday morning with face swelling (allergic reaction) - I spent 8 months last year having allergic reactions and never got to the cause of them, so really strange to have another one out of the blue... but luckily it wasn't too bad so just took a strong antihistamine rather than face A&E. It seems to have been a one-off so have avoided a course of steroids. Oddly I think it was a new lipstick that made me react, so will be checking the ingredients of Bare Minerals lipsticks for allergens.

Then, I had a gallbladder attack on Saturday night (from 3am to 7pm - joy). I haven't had one for about a year, and seems strange that I had one just after discussing it on this forum :) I was in agony, and tried the apple cider vinegar trick to no avail... I am always STARVING after these attacks, and previously the doctors have told me that I should make sure I eat something substantial after an attack (apparently a full stomach helps the gallbladder start functioning properly afterwards) so I did have some toast for breakfast. Bad I know, but needs must.

THEN, last night I couldn't find my keys anywhere. They were definitely not in the house, as we cleared everything away for the builders item by item, so I knew where everything in the house was. Either means we threw them away by accident (unlikely) or I left them in the door and someone took them (sadly more likely). And the set of keys had a burglar alarm fob on them, so if someone uses them, they would be able to switch our alarm off straight away. So another sleepless night panicking that someone was going to try and get into the house during the night.

Luckily this morning I have managed to reset our house alarm fobs AND our lovely builders have agreed to fit new locks for me. So hopefully I should have more sleep tonight! I'm out with a friend tonight doing a 'modern calligraphy' class, so that should be fun - it should be interesting anyway, as my handwriting is rubbish!

And apart from the toast, I was pretty good food-wise at the weekend. I did go out for lunch with a friend on Saturday, but had steak and broccoli so don't think that was too bad. Back on 100% today (gosh, I seem to say that every Monday!) x
Meant to say 3am to 7AM, oops! But it felt like a very long 4 hours!!!
Sorry your weekend was so bad Womble. Well done on staying strong on the food front.
Oh no, what a weekend!! :eek:

I understand how you must have felt.......I've had gallstones, and the pain is true agony - luckily I've had a cholecystectomy and all is now well

I'm also allergic to all sorts of things.....and been there, done that with the steroids :rolleyes:

.....the worst was a 16 week long episode of urticaria - OMG that was something else! :confused:

Oddly enough, I've had the key situation too - mine were stolen at an airport - and played the lock changing game o_O

Feel better soon, and I hope things settle down for you all round xxx
the worst was a 16 week long episode of urticaria - OMG that was something else!
Yup, I had that along with the face swellings from August last year to January this year. NOTHING relieved it (apart from the steroids, which would only work while I was taking them). Am so glad that they are gone!

Darcy, you're my gallstone / allergy / key losing twin :)

Anyway, yesterday was a much better day. I went straight from work to my calligraphy class which was so much fun. I thought being left-handed would make it really hard, but it was actually ok! I have a small set so I can practice at home... which is actually quite useful at the moment seeing as we have no TV while the house renovations are being done :) I did feel very faint yesterday though (probably a result of the lack of sleep, stress and VLCD), so when my friend suggested wagamama's after the class i did say yes. I had grilled tuna with quinoa salad which I ordered with full intentions to eat the tuna and veg and leave the quinoa... but I ate the quinoa. It was just too delicious. It seems really funny to be cheating on a diet by eating quinoa, possibly one of the healthiest foods available, but there you go! At least I feel better now, and feel fuelled up enough to head back to the gym after work today :)
Got quite angry with my scales this morning and contemplated chucking them out the window. Only recorded a 1 pound loss for the week, which doesn't make much sense to me... I was quite good this week (ok, 1 lunch out - lean steak and steamed veg, 2 pieces of wholemeal toast on Saturday and tuna / quinoa salad on Monday night). I know that's not a 100% TS week, but still, was hoping for a little more than 1 pound, especially considering the amount of exercise I do!!! Perhaps it was the stress of the weekend and lack of sleep, who knows... Anyway, determined to make this week count.

And because bad luck always seems to happen in 3s, my PT session was cancelled this morning as my trainer is sick and my Zumba class is cancelled tonight as my au pair (the teacher) is sick. Oh well, at least I've saved £45 in exercise fees today :)

On a brighter note, I had a good session in the gym last night and bashed out 5km on the treadmill. Going to head there again after work today. And house renovations are going well, although EVERYTHING is covered in dust. It's amazing that someone knocking a wall out on the ground floor results in dust on all three floors!!! One of my cats was actually grey and I thought she was a random cat that had come in the house :)

Anyway, my colleague has royally screwed up a piece of work for a client which I now need to deal with, so going to be another stressful day :grumble:. Luckily the client is lovely, and I'm not going to be too much out of pocket fixing it, but my colleague doesn't take criticism lightly, and she's a nightmare to work with when she's pi**ed off. I have to call her up on it, as I can't afford for her to make mistakes like this, but I HATE confrontation so I'm going to have to think really hard about how to bring it up with her before speaking with her...

Someone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send some good luck my way, it's long overdue and I'm in desperate need of it!!!
Sending you some luck!!!

I think its stress, Womble. I only lost half a pound last week and I am sure it is down to being work stressed.
Thanks Sadie. I don't know if it's luck or MORE bad luck, but last night I found my missing keys. In a tupperware at the back of a cupboard. Thanks Freddie (my 3 year old).

And TOTM again today, so hopefully that helps explain the meagre loss last week. Although I think it was only a few weeks since last time, but I hear that can be a side effect of this diet.

Did a good run in the gym last night - the weight loss so far is certainly help me run longer and for more distance. Going to have a day off the gym today though, as am out for dinner to celebrate a friends birthday. Have checked the menu and there isn't much I can have, but am going to do steak and vegetables / salad again. It will be tricky, as we're out celebrating with a group of friends who all really like a drink. But I'm going to do my best.

Actually, thinking about it, I did have some good luck yesterday. I've mentioned before, my son has real problems with food, and refuses to eat most things (he has sensory processing disorder and also food aversion stemming from sickness when he was younger). Apparently on a play date yesterday he had 2 bites of a sandwich. I know that sounds like such a small thing but it is a breakthrough for us, and it made me the happiest and proudest mum in the world. AND he stayed in his own bed until 5.30am this morning, which again is another breakthrough, as I don't think he's slept in his own bed for that long for well over a year. So I've certainly forgiven him for the key issue!!!

Revisited the coconut shake this morning - much better than I remember...
Oops about the keys! But I can understand why you've forgiven him. Hopefully there will be more positive breakthroughs with him.
So we had another night last night where our son slept in his own bed :) Until 5.30 at least. Don't want to jinx it, but hopefully we are onto something!!!

Dinner out with friends last night was fun. I managed to avoid alcohol entirely and made good food choices. I had prawn cocktail without the marie rose sauce for starter (i.e. just prawns and lettuce) and lean steak and salad (no dressing) for main. I said no to the chocolate cake that was distributed for dessert, and had a fresh mint tea instead. Didn't feel like I was missing out at all, as it was nice to catch up with friends and I was glowing because a lot of people said I was looking great. It's so lovely when people notice the weight loss :)

Went shopping on my way out too, as i managed to rip the corner of my top on the doorhandle in the office. Picked up two tops in size 16! I got them from the new range 'Nine' at Debenhams and I do think there is a bit of 'vanity sizing' at play, but it definitely means I'm getting smaller as the size 18 jeans I got from there 2 weeks ago are starting to get a bit baggy. I know that in some other stores I still struggle to fit a size 20 (H&M for example, their sizes seem to come up really small on me), but I really like the styles in Nine so it's definitely my new favourite brand. It's nice to be wearing something vaguely fashionable that I like for a change, rather than just having to buy whatever fits :)

Heading to the gym again after work today to do another run - if I can get three runs in this week together with my cycling I'll be happy.
I feel exhausted just reading about all that exercise Womble! :eek: :)'re so active it puts me to shame :oops:

Sending positive vibes your way, though it does sound like things are on the up for you at last :D
Bit late checking in today as had a meeting in the city with a new client. I was very good and had a peppermint tea!

Not sure I've undone the bad work this weekend though. We've been living in the kitchen as the living / dining room works are ongoing and it was just impossible to resist temptation... especially as there was a big chocolate cake involved for my mum's birthday :( Feel very disappointed with myself as I do most Mondays. I must break this cycle of bad weekends...

Hopefully our building works finish this week though, so will be a bit more normal at home. Our usual decorator / handyman can't make it for another week to do the finishing touches, but we're going to move back into those rooms anyway as it really is causing havoc.

Hope you all had much more successful weekends x
It will be worth it when it's finished! X
OK so builders are apparently going to finish today and it's not a day too soon! I attacked the cheese in the fridge last night while I was settling into the kitchen for another long evening, so this really is causing havoc with the diet!!!

My au pair is starting a new diet today (don't know why, she's got the most incredible figure) where she eats just 9 eggs a day and then salad on top of that. Sounds totally gross. Think I will be sticking to Exante :)

I had the 'tropical' shake this morning - really oddly delicious. Imagine it would be lovely with crushed ice on a hot summers day. Instead, I just closed my eyes and imagined I was on a beach somewhere hot! Must remember to order more of them next time around.
1.5 pounds good this week. I'll take that, given the amount of chocolate digestives I've consumed since the weekend :)

One of my cats has been missing for 24 hours now though, so got a bit more stress in my life... Through the power of social media (a local mum's Facebook group) I've discovered she is quite the little socialite and so hopefully she has just found somewhere to have a vacation for a couple of days, but it is a worry. She went for 3 weeks before and it was torture... I just hope I'm lucky again and that she returns home :(
Cat still missing... Had a massive thunderstorm last night too, so extra worried...

Did Zumba class last night before going out to look for her, but my heart wasn't in it so I didn't even break a sweat from lack of effort! Luckily I haven't resorted to comfort eating yet though, and am definitely staying strong on the food front.
Well done on the loss this week.
Hope you cat wanders through the door today.
Bit late posting today as very busy morning. Thought cat had been found so got very excited, but turns out it's just one that looks a lot like mine...

Good TS day yesterday but sleeping so badly as worrying about the cat. Let's hope she does wander back in over the weekend :(
Hope you find you poor cat soon x