Total Solution My Exante journey..

Wow spooky, I am aiming for the same weight! I am 5.4 so should take me to nearly normal bmi. I too have an underactive thyroid which they have finally diagnosed 2 months ago, despite the symptoms being there for years!
I haven't had a baby but have had 3 missed miscarriages in the last 2 years which could be linked to the thyroid!
Makes this losing weight business even harder doesn't it?
It certainly does - before I was diagnosed I tried everything to lose weight, but it was depressingly impossible. But great news for you that you have it diagnosed now. Once you're on thyroxin apparently it helps with becoming pregnant (and stay pregnant) so fingers crossed for you if you try again. 3 miscarriages must be heartbreaking though...
It was, I am 37 aswell so time is running out!
I have decided to wait until after Christmas to try again, can't deal with it at the moment, too stressful.
I have only been on thyroxine 7 weeks so they are still working on getting my levels right. Before that I was putting on around 3lb a week despite calorie controlled diet and exercise, doctor suggested (before the diagnosis) a vlcd may be the only way I can lose weight
So so good day yesterday apart from I really needed a snack in the afternoon. I bought one of those packets of dehydrated seaweed as was craving crisps and seemed a good alternative. Only 22 calories a pack, so doubt that will make much difference to weight loss! Given I did an hours PT and an hour Zumba, I think I earned it!

Last day in the office today before a long weekend at centre parcs, can't wait!!
NOOOOOOOO just realised i left my lunchtime bar at home today :(

Do you think if I head to boots and get a meal replacement bar from another weightloss brand that should be ok? I really need to have lunch as heading to the gym later...
You could get a lighterlife one from superdrug? I don't see why you cant get an alternative brand if you look at the carbs and sugar.

long weekend sounds lovely:) are you staying on plan or having a break?
Hope you have a good day x
Have a great weekend x
OK so got back from our weekend away yesterday and had such a great time! Sun was shining, kids were happy and just managed to do so much fun stuff! Managed to stay TS about 50% of the time, which I don't think was that bad. Things I did off plan were: 1) BBQ on the first night, although I did just have grilled meat and salad. 2) 2 glasses of wine. 3) Chinese takeaway one night, although replaced rice / noodles with stir fried veg. 4) Frappachinno from Starbucks instead of dinner one night. So not great, but not a total disaster either. AND I went to the gym 3 times over the weekend and was in the swimming pool for 3 hours a day (although with a toddler, didn't actually do much swimming - was more battling to keep him afloat!)

Had a bit of an 'incident' in the pool and really wish I'd invested in a smaller swimsuit before going... I hadn't realised how baggy my costume was and decided to brave the water slide. I looked a little bit like this when I came out the slide - :banana_dancer:!!! Yup. Both boobs on show. Mortified. Threw the costume away so that I definitely invest in a new one before Croatia next month!!!!

Bit of a disaster when we got home too - our fridge freezer had packed up at some point over the weekend and EVERYTHING inside was ruined. Luckily a new one is ordered and being delivered today, but it felt so wasteful throwing all that food away.
Glad you had a good weekend and sounds like you did really well food wise - we criticise ourselves all the time but even 10% exante is an improvement on how we would usually be!

The swimsuit malfunction does sound mortifying but amazing that you need a new one!

Crappy about the fridge, I am the same as you, hate waste.
Hope you have a good day x
Glad you enjoyed your weekend - and food choices sound good :)

The swimming costume 'incident' did make me laugh.....oops! :rotflmao:
OK, so totally forgot to weigh myself this morning! So will move it to tomorrow morning instead.

New fridge freezer in place and stocked up - yippee. Although it's not as if I can eat any of the food, but at least the family is happy :)

PT session went well this morning, although I seem to have slept really strangely on my knee as it's feeling a bit twingy. Might have to skip Zumba if it doesn't get better as don't want to give myself an injury. Hopefully it will get better during the course of the day though. We'll see...
Oh bum, I forgot to weigh myself again!!! What's wrong with me??!? Must set a reminder on my phone tomorrow.

Quick question for you ladies - where do you shop for dresses in size 16/18? I need something for Ascot and a wedding this year. Ideally I want to buy one dress to cover both events. Ascot dress must be at least knee length and with shoulder straps at least 1 inch wide. The wedding is in Croatia in July, so I want something quite floaty as it's going to be so hot.... so thinking a nice maxi dress, that I can stick a jacket over for Ascot, and a pashmina for Croatia. But have NO IDEA where to start looking as I so rarely buy dresses... any suggestions welcome!
Lol, I think its great you are not concentrating on the weighing!

Sorry can't help with the dresses
Just caught up with your diary Womble!
How can you forget to weigh 2 days in a row :oops:
You could try Monsoon - I love their stuff
Ok so remembered to weigh myself this morning - 3 pounds gone, yippee!!!!

Ended up buying a dress from Coast.... it's very fitted at the top and then have a floral tulle knee-length skirt. I absolutely love it in the picture, but will have to wait and see what it looks like when it arrives.... I bought this one as looks like it would be easy to get adjusted by a tailor if I lose enough weight between Ascot and Croatia to warrant getting it taken in (wishful thinking and all that!!)
So seriously, what's wrong with me??!? The less said about my weekend the better. I went a bit off the rails. It wasn't so much quantity, but the quality of what I ate was shocking. My son really wanted to make cupcakes, so we did. And then I ate 3 of them. And once I'd eaten them, the weekend was a bit of a write off. So disappointed in myself and I really haven't cracked this whole weekend malarkey.

Eating cr*p really did make me feel rotten though, and I must remember that feeling. I've never been great with gluten, but eating excess sugar really seems to mess up my insides and puts me in a foul mood afterwards.

This weekend coming I am staying at my brother's house babysitting his kids while he is in France at a wedding. My mum is going to be there too, and if I ask her to stop me cheating I know she will, so that's good. I should at least get through next weekend ok.

The dress I ordered from Coast turned up this morning but I am far too nervous to try it on given my weekend binge. I think I will wait until weigh in day and see if I can undo any of the damage by then, and try it on when I am feeling a bit more confident. A new exante order turned up at exactly the same time as the dress, so I see that as a bit of a sign (i.e. 'stick to this diet and you might be able to wear this dress!')