S: 1 rich tea finger biscuits (1syn)
B: 2 weetabix (HEb)
S: pineapple, orange and banana
L: Pasta n Sauce (1syn) 100g mullerlight, orange, Alpen light (3syns)
S: Banana
T: soup made up of carrots, swede, 1 small potato, leeks and spring onions, 1 slice of bread (est 6syns) toffee mullerlight
S: milky way stars (3.5syns) weetabix cake with butter (6 syns) mullerlight
20.5 syns (but had 2 days worth of syns to use)
HEa Milk in tea
S: 1 rich tea finger biscuits (1syn)
B: 2 weetabix (HEb)
S: pineapple, orange and banana
L: Pasta n Sauce (1syn) 100g mullerlight, orange, Alpen light (3syns)
S: Banana
T: soup made up of carrots, swede, 1 small potato, leeks and spring onions, 1 slice of bread (est 6syns) toffee mullerlight
S: milky way stars (3.5syns) weetabix cake with butter (6 syns) mullerlight
20.5 syns (but had 2 days worth of syns to use)
HEa Milk in tea
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