Regretting eating the pitta now but it was so worth it! Never have I ever missed bread so much before. I was fine until TOTM hit as well.. Massive cravings and all.
I also learned that the chilli sauce at the kebab place is pretty much completely all free! I explained I was on a diet and I asked if they could tell me what's in it. Well a huge list of super speed veg, tinned toms, seasoning and fresh chilli's! No oil at all, and no generic shop caught chilli sauce in it either. No sugar as well! I'm super chuffed that one of their sauces is completely free. Must explain why I do so well at times when I have had a kebab, haha.
Syns today are about 17 to be on the safe side, but I only had ~5 syns yesterday, and about 5 the day before as well, so I am just going to write it off and walk an extra mile with the girls tomorrow.
Had a lovely 3 mile (yay phone tracker!) walk with the girls this afternoon. It was off lead exploring all the farm fields. We had a blast.
Feeling much happier now, with taking the scales, chilli sauce and walk into consideration. Maybe I won't fail as much as I thought.
I was also quite good SE wise first two days!
Going to stick stuff on for a butternut squash soup tonight in the SC. I'll blend it all tomo morning, probably add more stock, and leave it to cook until the evening. I already can't wait.
Now to debate if I will put any potato in it to make it nice and thick.. So far I've decided on butternut, onion, garlic, a whole chilli (helps things digestion wise!) and carrots in it. I'm guessing a spud or 2 won't hurt