What I did was put the mushy peas, baked beans and tinned toms in the food processor, and left it on while I prepped everything, It was really smooth by the time all the veg and meat were in the pan.

I would guess that I left it in the food processor for 5 min?
Snow : I hope you enjoy it!

I didn't even think of doing it in the slow cooker.. good idea!
NM : Sounds lovely! I love stir fry.. no idea why I don't have them much lol!
I just got back from a nice long walk myself.

Decided to deliver avon catalogues whilst walking the woofs. :chores016: I bumped into a woman at the end and she told me someone else covers the road I did though, even though it was on my official list that avon sent me for roads I should cover.. tad annoyed! Oh well maybe I'll still get orders..

If not I'll just take a huge pile to group :bliss:
Food so far today:
B: Grilled cheese 1/2 HEA all HEB
L: Chicken pizza (food processor'd the chicken and 2 eggs to make the base.. was actually quite nice!) Had tomato, onions, garlic, peppers and mushroom on. And 10g cheese (1/4 hea, rest will be used for milk in teas)
Syns : Bit of the OH's buttie (2) some mini chocolate buttons (1, worked out the syns haha)
May heat up some curry again for dinner, not sure.. Will decide later.

Do have loads left over!
Sorry for the photo being naff.. this was just a quarter of what I made.. did kinda eat the rest.. hehe