you guyssssssssssssssss are so funny!
Happy hump day all! OMG i get my new phone today yipeeee!! So excited! Oh and WI today brings me back to mondays weight minus 0.5lbs! so currently im standing at 12st9lbs. Today is my 'feast' day, and im doing EE.
B: Allbran + almond milk + handful of blueberries (hea + b)
S: WW Smoky bacon triangles (4 syns) + Muller light
L: 3 boiled eggs and ham salad
S: 3 satsumas
D: 2 fried eggs, 2 quorn burgers (1 syn), mccains chips (1 syns - 100g raw), salad
T: Idk? something chocolaty!! Might have a kit kat or something!
Hows everyone elses days looking? I have a few people booked in today! Lets hope they all turn up and keep me busy!
question - in my egg salad, i think the eggs are soft boiled, but then i popped them in the fridge, think they will still be ok to eat today as the yolk will prob b a bit runny? I mean iv had it before so it cant be that bad but ive never really known if you should eat it like that.
Hope your all well