Total Solution My Frump To Fit Self Set Challenge!!

Cheated and had a meal. A whole skinless boneless fillet of smoked haddock, on top of half a tin of tuna and served with a 2 egg milkfree tuna-ommelette. Roughly 400kals, 52g of protein, 1g carb. Stayed in K :) Am now 193.5lbs :D Went straight back on TS the following day (yesterday) and no hunger pangs at all. Feeeeeeeeeels gooood!!!! :D
Count it as a WS day, carbs were minimal and it prob kick-started your metabolism xx
Now that my dear is a very good idea :)
Just ordered my next bumper pack :) Didn't weigh myself this morning as both kids up early and I was thirsty so have already had water and a mushroom soup. I'm up early tomoz too as my other half has work in the morn, so I'll next weigh again on Saturday :)
You're doing really well! It's quite good really that we can still lose considerable amounts of weight each week despite having extras if we're struggling, on most other diets that would undo a lot of work x
Hey? What's all this exercise you have planned then? :p
lol, Thought it about time I start ramping it up a bit :)
Well!! I have promised DS'S GF that I would go to zumba with her tonight.
Let me know how it goes... there's a zumba class near where I live and I can't decide whether to go or not. I don't know anyone that does it and a room full of strangers is a bit daunting lol
I've never been to anything like it before. Had a dilemma what to wear lol.
I think I'll be trying to follow from the back of the class tonight lol
100 % today. Just need to have another litre of water and I'm all done :)
Surprise surprise my pack didn't arrive today - even though this time they gave me a TEN HOUR WINDOW!!!! Second time in a row they've said it will be delivered on such and such a day and it wasn't. Good job I ordered early!!
Well done on being 100% :) x
Have had next to no sleep, my poor lil boy been coughing and wheezing all night long and been awake completely since 5am. It's just turned 6 now and my lil girl woken up too... My other half don'y get home from work till 9 this morning. Gonna be a long day I think :( Not having my first pack yet. I usually weigh about 8.30 so gonna wait until then.
awww poor little mite. Hope he has a better night tonight, and you xx
I hope your morning has got a bit easier hun! And that your little man is feeling better x
191 lbs!!!!! :)

Lil man is starting to get a bit better, but I seem to have developed sinusitis - so off to the docs tomoz :(
It is very strange how a lot of us have got symptoms of sinusitis and squishy ears when we start Exante! Hope you're feeling better soon xx