Gold Member
Thanks Molly I enjoyed reading about your whole journey...amazing pics and an amazing lady!
Well done for your fantastic loss you look lovely. I have recently re-started SW and this is my third week, have lost 3.74lbs till now. I have read that you limit carbs and I am doing the same thing as when I follow Extra Easy with all those carbs I don't loose weight. What amounts of carbs do you have? And do you have one A HEX and one B HEX?
The pleats are a good idea, i bought a cheap sewing machine at Ikea hahhaa im crazy!!Thanks Jonny ... and you are doing amazingly well so farI think the important thing is to take it bit by bit rather than looking at the (very daunting) target loss. I've been overweight all of my life, apart from my one brief foray into slimness via the black coffee and fag diet (wonderfully effective but not exactly sustainable for life lol), but this time I've (I hope) tackled the underlying issues. You can do this too - whatever happens on any given day, overall you can only fail if you give up completely (((HUG))). I'm going to get on my soapbox now .... It really, really p*sses me off that people STILL don't get that overeating is the opposite side of the coin to anorexia. People like us aren't obese because we're lazy or intrinsically greedy by nature - overeating is our coping mechanism for life - anorexics use food as a means of self control which helps them feel less helpless against life's difficulties - we use food as an anaesthetic, to soothe, comfort and stop us feeling. And the more we put on weight, the more we need comfort - it's a descending spiral. No one would dream of saying to an anorexic 'eat more pies and sit on the couch', yet that kind of snap judgement is made about us by someone every single day. Just as anorexics are offered support and counselling, so should we be - CBT therapy to help us find alternative coping mechanisms and break our destructive cycles of self loathing for example. Instead we are left to flounder on our own - thank goodness for the internet and groups like this where we can often come to understand ourselves through the experiences of others and pull together to beat this thing! <off soap box now> New Patty, that's exactly how I felt. I'm officially a skinflint anyway, lol, and the thought of spending good money on clothes I'd (hopefully) only be wearing for a month or two was horrific - that was a bi-monthly visit to hobbycraft potentially going down the drain
And let's face it I'm only just now emerging from a decades long cocoon of 'black', so no-one was going to notice anyway. The taking things in worked really well for me - I didn't even go the whole hog and take in complete seams most of the time either - just darted and created pleats
Hi yes, check the website! It's ok pretty basoc but full size one, cost me £45 because it's on offer, otherwise £60 which is still a good price xIKEA do cheap sewing machines??? I really need a new machine as I've given mine away in a fit of altruism or two. Is it any good?I'm going to need a run there soon anyway, for crafting box frames, so I might have a look.
Thanks! I'm not very good at altering thanks god for youtube there are videos for everything! XxMolly you are so right about people's extreme eating patterns. I know I've been guilty of judging people without really understanding or thinking about the underlying reasons. Even in my small way of loving the sweet stuff and knowing I was being controlled by it didn't stop me. Whatever the issue and reason, I know it takes a lot of working through to come out 'whole' the other end. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. New Patty...wishing you lots of success with your weight loss journey. And good for you getting into altering clothes as you go along. Molly, hope you can find that bargain sewing machine at Ikea. Mines a very old Singer...can't even remember which year I bought it and ashamed to say (as a dressmaker) it's never been serviced, let alone been given a drop of oil!!