Day 27: (day 3 of operation get back into ketosis) so tomorrow would be my fourth week on cwp and fourth weigh in.
I have cancelled my weigh in as i have enough shakes left over for an extra week an to be honest I cant face going to get weighed after such a **** week and knowing i have lost nothing.
Trying to avoid scales altogether as last weeks measly one pound loss definitely contributed to my low motivation and ended up on a 3 day eating spree...
Next weds will be a fresh chance to get weighed, hopefully if all continues to go well i will have had about a week in ketosis and should have lost something.
I have cancelled social events such as nights out and meals until end of the month when i have one night out. That gives me 4 weeks to lose hopefully another stone? (bit ambitious) and then just a week or so left til my hol!
Today I am at home so I plan on staying focused, plenty of water, carry on with my essay and presentation for uni. Probably sit in the sun and continue with my base tan for dominican!
Not feeling hungry but its only 9am and I am not usually hungry first thing anyway.
Want to be feeling how I did before I came out of ketosis which was strong and determined.
Small steps as they say
Also thanks for all the nice comments, support and motivation. If I didn't have them I wouldn't even be continuing i know that for a fact!