My Journey to a Slimmabum!!

7 February
Average day all round. No gym last night but I'm really getting into cooking. Found a brilliant curry website where they tell you how to make Indian restaurant curries, so I made a huge batch of base sauce last night from which I can make madras/Ceylon/tikka. I was really surprised ... there is very little fat in it (only a little oil) and the rest is basically fresh vegetables and herbs. Going to make a chicken Ceylon for the family tonight. I'm also making a cake every week ... so far I've made a mary berry carrot cake (which looked really lush) and a chocolate fudge cake. Might do a coffee and walnut one tonight. It's completely bizarre, but I'm turning myself into a domestic goddess without any cravings whatsoever for what I'm cooking. It's really like I'm mentally eating what I'm cooking, and I seem to have replaced eating the food with cooking it. The family are loving it!!!

Back to the gym tonight for a body pump session and then in again in the morning for high paced Zumba. I might even get my car back this weekend!! Yippee.
Back to the gym tonight for a body pump session and then in again in the morning for high paced Zumba. I might even get my car back this weekend!! Yippee.
I am on refeed this week, I will be back on Lipotrim next week. Do you feel tired after going to the Gym. As Lipotrimmers we only take in 450 calories daily so any exercise can cause massive deficit in energy levels leading to tiredness. Or am I talking nonsense?
10 January
Dolphin ... yes, I do feel very tired after gym sessions - but the buzz I get and the toning up that I do is much better. I always make sure that I stay well hydrated. I've dropped the weights slightly at body pump to compensate for the tired muscles and don't go too mad at Zumba! Anyway, I got there on Friday and who should I bump into but my vile ex :( I did feel slightly better when I saw just how out of condition he was, but it did make me feel quite sick to my stomach, especially when he tried to talk to me at the end :(.

Saturday went well .... we had a new Zumba teacher who was brilliant, and it's made me want to take up salsa dancing again. Then I (finally) picked my car up from the garage, got chatted up and asked out by my friend's brother (!), and then spent an excellent evening with my actual O/H, finishing off by watching my team (Liverpool) beat Arsenal. Sunday was lovely ... we went for a lovely long and blustery day down the beach before watching Top Gear on the TV.

Today has started extremely well ... I lost another 4lbs last week, which means I only have around a stone to go .... woo hoo, unless I decide to lose a bit more. Anyway, I've got the smaller pair of my size 16 jeans on and I feel great!! Haven't worn them in years. Got a big smile on my face atm!!
11 February
Not a good day at all - in fact it's a write off in terms of LT :( Had to go to a breakfast meeting today, so not only did I have to drag my arse out of bed at 6 but I also ate the b/f ... and tonight I'm going to a quiz which comes with a curry. It's a work thing so I can't really get out of that either. Will just have to start again tomorrow and go through a couple of days before ketosis kicks in again. Oh well, not the end of the world ....

BUT at the b/f meeting there was a speaker .... The Running Man. This guy is not only a motivational speaker type guy, but he is also an Extreme Marathon runner. He actually runs marathons that are 100 miles and 150 miles long ..... IN ONE GO!!! Absobloodylutely unbelievable!!!! That sort of distance is almost a plane journey!! Apparently there is a race .... race get you ... around Mont Blanc in France, another down the grand union canal, another from Birmingham to London. He was telling us that after one race he had to have the skin peeled from his toes as it was likely to get infected. Made my toes actually curl to listen to it. Knocks my body pump and Zumba sessions into a cocked hat BUT if he can put his body though it, I'm sure that I can get straight back on this diet tomorrow and succeed in losing!!!
12 February
Wet, miserable, windy and cold day. Hate this having to go 'cold turkey' after eating something :(. I've now got a couple of days of feeling really hungry again whilst waiting for Ketosis to kick in. Never mind, if that guy can run 100 miles I can do this!! Big bridge closed so I've had to cancel gym class. Feeling a bit meh :(
13 February
Still feeling strangely demoralised. I really want to drink a hot drink, but I just can't bear tea or coffee and I am fed up with drinking water, water, water and looking out of the window and seeing water, water water. Fed up with greyness. I think what I need to do is go on holiday somewhere where there is a bit of sun. Going to Zumba to see if I can snap out of this feeling of utter 'meh'ness. Feeling really fat and frumpy :(
14 February
Happy Valentines Day to everyone! O/H particularly uninterested in Valentines Day (I think his exact words were .... It's a crock of sh$te) but he was very willing to eat all the little chocolate hearts and kisses I filled his coat pockets (and lunchbox) with.

Weather predictably sh$te, I'm feeling hungry, cold, unloved (joking on that last one), and there is every eventuality of seeing my vile ex at body pump tonight. On the plus side, it IS Friday and I can have a much needed lie in tomorrow morning ... well until 8.30 anyway! I have loads of LT shakes left so I am determined not to waste the money I've spent on it and keep going for the last 4 weeks I'm on it. Not expecting any kind of loss this week, so I really feel I have let myself down :(.
Keep it up and fair play to you with the meals that you have to eat because of work. I would really struggle going in and out of Ketosis so you're doing great guns.
I know what you mean about the Gym, its so exhausting when you exercise and probably end up in negative calories just from the session alone. This poxy weather is enough to get anyone down, but just think by the summer you'll have a super slimmerbum :eek:)
18 February
Really feel like I'm struggling with this at the moment. After last week, I didn't lose any weight at all, and despite really trying at the gym etc. I'm feeling very sluggish. I went on Friday and Saturday, then did body pump and salsa last night (knee giving me a bit of gyp now). Will do some spin tonight (followed by family table tennis). I just don't know what else I can do ..... :(