My journey to be 12 stone lighter!

Thanks very much for the Xmas messages!! Hope u all had a good one!!


I am going out with my friends for new years eve, I used to love to go out (even tho I have always been big) but now I'm the biggest I've ever been & I hate going out! I feel like a freak the whole time. People staring & making comments, it's just horrible!

But I promised my friends I would come out with them so i am! However this has raised another issue... None of my clothes fit me anymore!!! I feel like I'm going to 'hulk' out of them coz they are bursting at the seams! I also can't really afford new clothes and if I could big size clothes are not the most flattering. Everything I try on looks awful.

I'm dreading this night out now! They are all skinny minis and will of course look fabulous & I'll b the token fat person stood at the back wearing black. The only good thing Is that there will be 7 of us out, so at least I can hide behind them! I know I'm losing weight now, but with soooooo much to lose it hasn't really started to show yet. This time next year will be different!!!! (I hope)
aw hun i know how you feel! i'm kinda dreading new years out too. we're going to a ceilidh so they'll all be dancing and i'll be at the table. urgh. hopefully next year will be so much different for both of us :)
Your friends love you for who you are and not how you look so go out enjoy yourself and get back on track straight after. Next year we'll all be skinny minis :D
Aww thanks so much guys!! Ur right! Next year we WILL be where we want to b weight-wise!
Just gotta try and enjoy tomorrow night for what it is, even tho it Is very hard.
Thanks again
Hi CC,

After reading lots of threads and diaries on here, i ve finally made the plunge and started my own diary i dont start till Jan 1st but i am hoping to make new friends and finally get rid of this weight once and for all. I hope you have a nice night out with your friends and remember like the other girls have said they like you for you.. I look forward to reading and following your weight loss journey... We can do this xx
Thank you!! I ended up having a really good night! I think going with the right attitude helped hugely!! I hope you all enjoyed your new years celebrations. Here's to 2011 being a great year!!!!
Glad you had a great night out hun :D

Happy New Year, hope 2011 is a good one for you :D
Aww Thank you hun!! Right back at you! Hope it's a great year for us all :)
Hey CeeCee, I can totally identify with some of the stuff you've wrote about. I actually stopped going out with friends completely because I felt awful being the only big one in black pants and long sleeves whilst they were all in little skirts and dresses. I was 25 stone last year. I weighed 28 stone when I went to Slimming World and I lost 3 stone in 4 months and then stopped going. I think I started eating badly again but was kinda lying to myself for a while and then didn't want to go back having gained. I'm now 29st.7lbs, have put everything I lost back on plus some more. I refuse to to reach 30, although 10 years ago I refused to reach 20.

It's so easy to put it on isn't it?! I'm starting again today and I want to lose about 15 stone altogether. It seems impossible so I'm breaking it down into 5 stone chunks as I know I can do that first 5 stone.

It's good that you're here and willing to give it another go. I've been told I carry it well and don't look my size but it doesn't matter, I FEEL it.

2011 is going to be my year to get down to a more manageable weight. I don't expect miracles but it would be nice to feel healthier again and have my clothes fit comfortably!

With regards to clothes, have you tried Ebay? Quite a lot of Evans and Simply Be stuff, new or used, even the new stuff is a lot cheaper though, got a fab pair of Evans jeans the other day, new with tags for a tenner, should have been £35. Worth a nose.
Hi missus lol, omg I feel exactly the same. We have basically lived the same life weight wise! It just goes up and up doesn't it! It's scary how quickly it does too!

But all that's in the past, I'm right with you... THIS YEAR IS OUR YEAR TO SUCCEED!! I can't still b saying all this next year, and continuing to gain weight!

Ooo thanks for the eBay advice, I havnt been on it in a while, defo worth a look!! That's a bargain u got! I don't want to spend lots on clothes coz im hoping to not b this size too much longer!!

I can't see peoples info on here, can I ask what plan you are going to follow? You doing sw again?

Yeh we have a lot to lose but it will b more than worth it in the end!! In fact how's about we both try and reach our first target by feb! If... No.. WHEN we do it we can treat ourselves (not with food of course lol) I promised myself a manicure if I reach my mini target of losing a stone in jan. :)

Well the best of luck hun!!! We can do it! It's all about PMA (positive mental attitude)
oh i so agree with you. I really hope i'm not sitting here this time next year sayings "this will be my year" figure if i don't do it now then i never will!!
Totally!! It won't happen tho. This is the year!! :-D
I couldn't bear being any bigger, my health is suffering now. I was always able to get around ok but these last few stones have really hindered my mobility but more my confidence, hate going out now.

I've just took a full body shot picture, got my daughter to take it and I've put it in my journal. Am gonna take the same pic in the same place on the 1st of every month so I can see the changes myself. A friend did that and it really spurred her on because she could see the change as well as feel it. It's not as noticeable when you're big, a big loss doesn't show as easy and so it can be disheartening, hoping pics will help me and if they don't I'll print them out and stick them on the food cupboard door, that should stop me in my tracks, haha!
Another worthwhile thing to do is measurements. Upper arm, bust, waist, thigh etc. Really nice to see the numbers going down and sometimes all these small changes are more noticeable in figures than pics.
2011 is our year and we will do it :)
TheMissus said:
I couldn't bear being any bigger, my health is suffering now. I was always able to get around ok but these last few stones have really hindered my mobility but more my confidence, hate going out now. haha!

I'm the same. I've noticed my health being affected this past year, I think that's y I'm more determined than ever!!

Also great idea about the pic! I might pinch that idea. I can defo see it spurring me on.

That's also a good idea about gettin measured! I'm gonna take my measurements today... Eeeek!
Right today is the day I start again... Again!

I did slightly lose my way over Christmas & new year but I'm ready to get bk on the healthy eating plan!
I have brought all my healthy food & written my food journal/plan.

Today's plan is:

Breakfast - weetabix sprinkled with mixed dried fruit.

Lunch - homemade butternut squash soup

Mid aft snack - 2 Jacobs crackers & flora light.

Dinner - baked salmon fillet, new potatoes and mixed veg

Snack - homemade fruit salad (apple, satsuma, banana, mango)

Exercise wise I'm going to take my little doggy out for a long walk.

I am just taking it all a day at a time. By taking it Slowly and surely I kno I'll see results! All I need to do is stick to it!!!!!
Sounds like a good day, enjoy your walk :)
Good luck with sticking to it, you can do it!!