ProPoints My Journey To Loose 26.5lbs/145lbs

Thanks hun!

Todays been a good day, barr the 2 bars of choc! Eeeek! Used all dailies and 5 weeklies - still have 36 weeklies left.

Had chicken chasseur for tea, I thought it was quite tasteless, think I will stick to chicken casserole. Tomorrows dinner is pasta bake, yum yum yum! I've run out of ready meals so will probably have a ham and cheese roll, crisps and fruit.

Nothing planned for this weekend. Need to get my head down and get studying. Done a load of maths work tonight, need to do some more tomorrow and then some healthcare stuff. All fun and games but I suppose it keeps me out of the fridge!
Dominos led to Sat & Sunday 'off plan' not too bad as I didn't really have any naughty things in. I just didn't point.

Dreading WI tomorrow, not sure how it will go! Just gonna take this as a kick up the bum. Really wanted my 3rd silver 7 aswell. Lesson learnt!!

Will update tomorrow x
Really crap few days!

Back on with it today. Will take a massive gain tomorrow. I was so looking forward to loosing 21lbs and Im going to have to do it all over again. BOOOOOOOOOOO!!

Ahwell have learnt my lesson.
Almost through the day!!

Nearly reached my liquid limit and have kept within my points - I actually have two left!

I can do this!!!!
2.5 days in. Going good!

Had quite a few weeklies last night though - still have 33 left. I'm 2 under so far today so might use a weekly and have a cereal bar If I get peckish yum yum!
4 days in!

Have been good. No chocolate since Tuesday night - only been 48 hours but this is seriously good!

I had fish and chips from Harry Ramsdens today and it was horrible. They hadn't changed the fryer oil in awhile because it was a very dark shade of brown (the fish batter!)

I have 19 remaining weeklies to last me over the next 4 days but nothing planned this weekend so should be all good.

I have also ordered the 30 day shred. I know people don't loose well when doing it so hopefully it will arrive by March 1st and I can get a good loss for next month. This months loss has been wiped out by last weeks binging. Booo!

And Im seriously behind with studying, especially with maths. It's such a drag to do it all. It's so depressing. Hoping to get some good news about the Midwifery course in the next few days so I have something to really push and aim for. Fingers crossed!
Another day almost done.

Been quite tempted with coming off plan and having chocolate today. Had a big module on Diabetes which was so bloody tedious. Will try and get through the next few hours. Have lots of maths work to do tomorrow which I am dreading as Im so behind. Next weeks goal to to plan time effieciently! And stick to it...
Back on track. Weigh in tomorrow - not sure how it's going to go tbh.

But I weigh in officially for my challenge on Thurs so hopefully I can get a few lbs knocked off for this month. I always seem to hit the ground running then slope off!