didn't post yesterday - not because i had a bad day but because I was ill in the morning but felt better by the evening so I had lots of jobs to do including my favourite job (not) of ironing yawwwnnnnn!
So yesterday's menu
Breakfast - nothing
Lunch - 2 babybels HEA, beans on toast HEB
Dinner - Turkey burgers, SW chips and lots of fried onion again. Then of course my rolos in the evening!
I was so impressed with myself yesterday - I was not well at all, I felt sleepy, headache, stomach ache and just blurgh, normally that is when I crave junk and don't want to cook anything but I made myself yesterday. My son also had a birthday party in the afternoon and I turned down the birthday cake without trouble and even when my son waved his egg mayo sandwich under my nose I wasn't tempted and egg mayo sandwiches are my weakness (along with tiger bread, chocolate of course, pizza, junk - basically anything I am not allowed lol)
Scales this morning showed -2-3lbs depending on what foot I put on the scales first! Why does it do that? Actually why do I test that? Along with testing them stood on one leg, holding onto the wall, with a full bladder, then of course with an empty bladder, before dinner, after dinner etc etc the list could go on forever!!!
Back to today
Nothing for breakfast again
Lunch was tricky... really tricky
It is my sisters birthday today, every family birthday we go out for dinner and I was planning on jacket with beans but they phoned and said they couldn't afford to go out today so they were ordering a dominos instead. I was in a flap, I have to admit I half thought (only half mind!) about having some but then I thought NO WAY I want a good week and even though pizza is one of my downfalls I knew I just couldn't do it. So that meant I rushed around my weekly shop today (£145!!!!! £145 wth, no one tell my husband or he will kill me!) and got home just in time to grill some bacon and boil a couple of eggs. I made a salad from my 2 babybels, 3 lean bacon, 2 eggs, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, onions. I was offered just 1 slice from the 3 pizzas they bought (3 pizzas between 3 of them!) but I knew if I had one I would have more and it would just be easier to go without which I did

Just polishing my halo ATM! I have to say it was a lot easier to resist than I thought it would be and my salad wasn't half bad! My mum and sister said after though they shouldn't have eaten so much, they are both on diets and just as or nearly as overweight as I am - I was just sat there like a loon all proud of myself lol!
Dinner tonight was an old WW recipe for spicy beef with rice
Anddd of course i am eating my frozen rolos now
How good am I????