Gold Member
Ya I will def go easy on the fruit and introduce things bit by bit... i weighed in this morning and i've still lost the 6 lbs and nothing more since Sat... a bit disappointed but I need to think that if I had waited the full 5 days I would have been delighted with 6 lbs in 5 days! but to brighten me up MY BOOK CAME just as I was writing this yayyyy! can't wait to get stuck into it... not back to uni until Monday so I have this week to read read read! they sent me the harcombe diet for men aswell for free so I might learn a bit from that too you never know! feeling very bloated and crampy but my time of the month is due today or tomorrow (edit - officially here now lol) which might be something to do with not losing much! I love Mondays they are so fresh and new! Here is to a great week everybodyxx
Ah great about the book! Get reading. Don't be disheartened by the scales. They're just a number. Have a look at this. http://everydaypaleo.com/attention-scale-addicts-part-2/ and totm def causes bloating x