ooh that sounds great i def must do that thanks for the tip! I know it is mad I will be spreading the word to anyone I know anyway

that's really good that you're getting the whole family involved, it is def a lifestyle change and not a diet! Thanks a million it really does feel great, still a long way to go but we will get there

I am studying to be a science teacher, 2 years left! i'm going on teaching practice in 6 weeks for 2 months so I'd really like to shape up a good bit for that too so I'll feel more confident in front of the class

I ate 2 squares of dark chocolate just now and it went down well.. it hasn't made me want more thank god! to be honest i found it quite bitter and i could tell it was 90% cocoa so 2 was enough lol but it was lovely for a treat!!! it also made me realise how much sugar they must add to milk chocolate because it tastes nothing like this! I'm leaving for London at 4am in the morning because my flight is very early.. i feel so motivated to stick to the plan over there and i'm coming back late tomorrow night so i think i should manage it

ooh do you know what the story is with mayonnaise?
