My life is as good as an ABBA song!

Oh thats the one you can do watching telly, strengthens your inner thighs? I watch too much shopping channel!! lol
Lol that advert say good for traveling hehehe they couldn't fit in a case......maybe a car boot. :)
could you imagine going on a long trip, you would have thighs like a footballer ha ha ha ha
Cg....................whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooppppppppp, more of the same please xxx
Work has finally let up so I'm back. And I'm really annoyed. I seem to have stalled and it's quite irritating. I haven't changed anything, not eating anything new or adding tolerateds, basically I'm doing the same thing I've been doing since starting dukan. I wonder if that's the problem, that my body has become used to eating this way and has 'readjusted' itself. Today at tescos I was so very tempted to grab something that's not allowed! But imagine my surprise when my thoughts were leaning toward a nice crispy wholemeal kaiser roll rather than the fresh doughnuts they'd just put out. Everything today took longer than planned and I was starving by the time I hit tesco so I grabbed a packet of lean ham and proceeded to eat my way through it as soon as I got to the car. About the 4th slice though I began to feel the old gag reflex making itself known and I've no idea why. Anyway, I got home and grilled up some chicken breast and had that with a bit of mustard, then some yoghurt and some sf jelly. And then just to be spiteful I had 3 more muffins - an extra portion of oatbran and wheat bran :sign0151:

I am disheartened though, I've still got over 30lbs to lose and the stagnating scales are beginning to wear through my happy armour and making me feel I'll never reach tw. Well, off to get in 30 min of aerobic walking!
Chin up CG, look at the plateau/stall advice in the book and see if there's anything you attend to, a lot of the diet sites I read mentioning having to "switch it up" sometimes as the body does get a bit used to things, could be you need to increase your walking or water for instance, maybe you've been so busy you haven't eaten enough? xx
CG, Keep positive like lotto says maybe youve not eaten enough...:cross: it will move as long as you dont stray xxx
Just realized I've entered the 'overweight' category (actually just squeaked in), meaning I'm no longer 'obese'! Yaaay! Of course I still feel rather obese but that's beside the point :)
I did another PV day today, for some reason I just couldn't face PP. Will try again tomorrow. Made a delicious beef stew in the pressure cooker, got it out of the gadget graveyard and I think it's going to be my new best friend!
My last 2 batches of muffins have turned out crap, I mean they're edible but the texture and size are unacceptable so I guess I'll have to go back to beating the egg whites again! Argh! It was so nice to just bung (thanks Ellie!) everything into one bowl and whisk a bit.
Am thinking of dusting off the shred dvd and having another go at it. What I really need to do is somehow find some sticktuitiveness, I can never seem to see things through to their end!
Have a great evening everyone :)
Hi CG just catching up with you - love the word sticktuitiveness! These blips are sent to try us and our willpower but you are doing fab so keep at it girl x