Hi CG,
So, you are planning on teaching non-English speakers? Very cool. :girlpower:
I was once upon a time a teacher (in United States -- I taught High School History and Middle School Social Studies). I have often thought about going back to school to get either UK qualifications or something else (like TEFL)... or even something entirely different. However, I the thought of spending more money on my education (when I have a son in Uni) difficult to justify. Plus, my 12 year old DD has special needs -- and although she is doing well -- I still feel that she is a full-time job. :sigh:
The dog will be a good thing, I'm sure. We got the dog for our DD (sort of therapy thing - and she has been a blessing). When the dog was about a year old, I got a job at a local secondary school (term time/leaving for school after my daughter/getting home before her).
The first year I was able to come home at lunch and let her out. However, the second year that was not possible. My next door neighbour (retired and in her 70s) started walking he dog during the day.
She found that she made all kinds of friends along her dog walks, and even though I quit that job two years ago -- she still walks the dog every day at about 10:30!
We jokingly refer to it as a "dog share"! (We bought the dog from her daughter, so she I think she feels kind of related to her. lol):chores016:
You have been very industrious today. I know how you feel about the floors, but my issue is the kitchen counters. I clean them and five minutes later there is food, jam, dishes, etc. all over them (or so it seems). And, in this house the laundry never ends. :argh:
Well, I should get at it...