I'm back and I won't lie and say I was angelic. Did alright day one, had some grilled chicken and veg (ok, ok, and some chips too) and a glass of wine. Anyway, in the morning I had some wonderful bread, never had anything like it before. You could just smell the yeast as you cracked the bread. And dinner was in a local classic Serbian restaurant where everything was to die for. I can't remember the last time I had a meal that fantastic in a restaurant!
Other than that, and I hope I won't offend any Serbian members here, but I was really saddened by what we saw. The country really bears the scars of Communism and war. And apparently there are no animal shelters anywhere in the country so stray dogs are simply EVERYWHERE. It broke my heart when in one city as we were trying to find a particular address, there, up against the corner of a building, was a literal PILE of puppies. There must have been 8 or 9 of them, tiny black things that couldn't have been more than 2 months old. They were all piled on top of each other, shivering and trying to keep warm. I of course wanted to take them all with us and at least take them to a shelter here at home but I was told they'd never be let into the EU without veterinary papers. Can't shake the image of them just pitifully lying there waiting to die in the freezing night.
As you can see, I generally have more sympathy for animals than I do for people

Anyway, back on it today, just baked some muffins and am defrosting mince for cheeseburger pie. I'm hoping this week ends up a scratch - no loss but hopefully no gain.
As someone once said, onward and downward