Well its the day before weigh in.....not had the best week! Weekends are just so difficult for me! Anyway went to a BIG social thing on Saturday night and I convinced myself that I wasnt going to drink or eat. Thought ill just drink Lemonade and can pretend that its vodka and lemonde. SO I had 1 lemonade but then of course someone when I was standing at the bar 'What you drinking' 'Oh Vodka and lemonade please' So then there I was drinking vodka and lemonade although I only had one. But then the crooked thinkin came........ well ive blown it now! So hubby had a cheesburger and chips... 'Nope I dont want anything thank you I said' but then when it came out 'Oh ill just have one bite and a couple of chips' so then there I was again 'Oh ive blown it' then when we got home I was starving prob coz I had eaten one bite of burger and a couple of chips so instead of being good and having a pack I........... had 2 slices of toast!!!!
So from being good I had 1 vodka and lemonade, 1 bite of burger and a few chips,then 2 slices of toast all on saturday night!!!
and its not been worth it and I know its gonna have an effect on my weigh loss this week as went on wii fit tonight and it said I was 19st 6 and I was 19st 7lb last week so Ive prob only lost 1lb!
So ive just waisted £72 and a week of being good for one stupid night!!
ok i feel better for letting that out!!!
just annoys me soooooo much when I did this diet back in 2008 I started in Oct and went right through to Xmas 100% so I know I can do it....im just being weak and giving in! But then on the other hand we had another work meal out last week and I happily sat there while everyone ate carverys and puddings and I was brilliant and sat with my water but then 2 days later I break it. Just seems that Im stronger some days and weak some days!
I still have along way to go ....I wanna loose prob another 7 stone and ive done 2 stone already so I know I just need to stick with it!
Sorry if anyone has read this....me ranting away but it feels better just letting it out and for me to try and think about why I have made the decisions I have.