oh how fantastic is he - sounds like my DH

and with that fantastic start you had I am sure you will be sucessful
as for leaving him - I think we have been together for so long now it would be like losing a part of me

corny though it might sound we literally saw each other across a crowded room and 'knew' we had to be in each others future
now my Saturday
I started very well and very controlled
went to represent the guild at the church fayre and had a lovely afternoon being with like minded people
then got home and it all went wrong - I did have the packet of velvet snacks so that was fine but then I started to feel very sick and unwell - now either that was a badly timed dose of the antibiotic or withdrawal setting in from the mega dose of tramadol I am on (trying to wean myself off it and was due another dose) then Dh mentioned chips from the chippy
so he got me a small portion that I munched through then he had chocolate no excuse I just wanted the foods I was not supposed to have and gave in - I think its genuinely going to be difficult for me to reduce the dose and go through withdrawal symptoms and stick to the plan UNLESS I am super planned and I will have to make sure each days food is in the fridge ready for me so I have NO preparation to do
so from tonight (when I will plan the food for the next few days)
I will be planning for the next day
that morning I will sort all the food in the fridge so I have grab and go foods all planned
remove temptations from the house
now without small kids around removing temptations is going to be quite easy
DH can take all his 'treats' - crisps chocolate biscuits etc he can take to work and keep them in the kitchen there and any evening treats he wants he can bring home something each evening
no I am not treating him like a child but I am treating me like a child
so the word for today will have to be
disappointed (for not planning ahead)
and DETERMINED as from today this WILL go right
later today DH and I will be practising putting up the trailer tent - it will be the first time so should be fun

but better to practice at home than on a campsite

H xx
have a great day everyone