My naked ambition

Whoops! Just realised that I have lost that weight in only 6 weeks!! WTF?!?! I love CD/CWP! Love love love it!
well done another fab weight loss your doing so well hun :)x
well done another fab weight loss your doing so well hun :)x

Thank you!! You are aswell - not long before we are both half way there!! Hope you're having a fabulous day! xx
D has gotten in to the habbit of cuddling me and feeling the flabby bits and saying they are getting smaller - really not pleasing in any shape or form. He thinks this is a good thing though!

This made me LOL.

I was complaining about my mummy belly to my OH & saying it was wobbly & he started singing jelly on a plate & then made it talk like a mouth with his hands! :eek: I was mortified but it was hilarious at the same time. (We've been together for 10 years, there's no romance, lol)

I said, "You wont be laughing when your bald patch starts singing" Lol.
This made me LOL.

I was complaining about my mummy belly to my OH & saying it was wobbly & he started singing jelly on a plate & then made it talk like a mouth with his hands! :eek: I was mortified but it was hilarious at the same time. (We've been together for 10 years, there's no romance, lol)

I said, "You wont be laughing when your bald patch starts singing" Lol.

LMAO!! Are you serious?? Jelly on a plate?! Hilarious, but you are a better woman than me - I would have decked D!! LOL
Soooooooo went for the hair cut!! Sent the picture to my parents, only to get a phone call saying "YOU'VE LOST TOO MUCH WEIGHT TOO QUICKLY!"
Not - your hair is lovely and you look great or anything. Paaaaaaa why do I try?!!


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your hair looks lovely and on the parent front i dont think anyone can please their parents its either were to big or to small i think as long as your happy with what your acheiving who cares what anyone else thinks and your doing great well done hun :)x
LMAO!! Are you serious?? Jelly on a plate?! Hilarious, but you are a better woman than me - I would have decked D!! LOL

I was caught between outrage & finding it hilarious, lol. I couldn't talk for laughing.

Your hair looks gorgeous! So sleek & shiny!

Parents just worry, that's their job! ;)
Wow wow wow. It's been a busy few days! Had a trade show Tuesday and Wednesday and walked around and around meeting up with clients. Tuesday night I hosted a table of clients at teh SC Awards and I think I might have developed a little crush on one of the clients I invited! LOL
All in all a successful few days. I ate on Tuesday night. The hotel did indeed make me a salad which I ate quite happily. Stuck to the water all night whilst the rest of the table drowned themselves in wine.
Back on plan 100% Wednesday and Thursday. Today however, I met up with the Champagne Girls and we went for manis and pedis in Covent Gardens, then headed off to lunch - again I ate, but stuck to salad. So all sensible and carb free options that will keep me burning, but I am concious of the additional calories I have consumed this week. So from tomorrow, back on 100% until SP weekender, which is 2 weeks today. If I do that, I hope to get off the 6lbs I want before I go away and have a break.
I have to admit that I am finding it easy to have a little salad and then get back on 100%, but I do know that I will slow my losses down because of the calories, so I must focus and stay 100%.
Yesterday after the quarterly management meeting, we ordered 10 pizzas for the team and so the whole office was engulfed in pizza smells - not fun. So I sat at my desk and did my work and avoided all the fat food and felt so good.
Still loving my hair - holding on to the feeling of feeling more confident.
I really need to keep going. This is around the weight where I fell down before. I am determined to keep going but it's not easy when you get comments about how well you look. I need to not fall in to a false sense of security and think it's ok. Must continue.
Waiting for D to get back - ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh he's back and totally mesmirised by my new look and just how much weight I've lost. Very proud of me he says.
Hey MsV
Im totally loving the hair on you its FABULOUS and really suits you - good idea on the chop. Also well done on your loses you are doing so well even you have to break it your being very aware and making good conscious decisions regarding food - great inspiration..
Just read your diary from the begginning and I was glued and disappointed when I got to the end cos I want so will be following it big time..
Well done again...
Hey MsV
Im totally loving the hair on you its FABULOUS and really suits you - good idea on the chop. Also well done on your loses you are doing so well even you have to break it your being very aware and making good conscious decisions regarding food - great inspiration..
Just read your diary from the begginning and I was glued and disappointed when I got to the end cos I want so will be following it big time..
Well done again...

Thank you so much for reading! I can't believe you read from the start - although I have to admit, I did the same when I first came back to the diet and minimins. How is your first few days going?
I hope well.

I've had a great few days off work. Saturday I totally chilled out and caught up with housework and cleaned out the wardrobe again! All my work dresses are too big, so out they go!! Not great as I have to buy more in the interm - that's the annoying part of the transition, but I will cope :D
D came home in the evening and we had a lovely snuggly night watching tv (actually me sleeping!) Sunday we spent all day together watching films, lying in bed, catching up on our programmes (love Boarwalk Empire) Lovely lovely day. We hadn't had much time to talk, so we did a lot of that yesterday. I also had a bit of a meltdown (not so great) where I had to explain to him that I am not feeling very "up for it" So in essence, whilst my head and heart are in it and want to, my body is unresponsive. Having spoken to my CDC I understand that it can be a side effect of the diet. So explaining that to D was not easy as I want him to realise that it's not him - especially since we had a very active intimate life together. I'm still not sure he's quite there but I have to work with it for the moment. Only another 3 stones to go - so I have to look at it like it's not that far away - another 3 - 4 months I will be a different person, exercising and eating therefore will be back to the usual - I hope!
As always, he is the most supportive boyfriend in the world and totally says he understands and that it doesn't matter, but I'm sure it upsets him - I mean it would upset me! I guess in turn this has also made me rather insecure so that made me cry. He loves me and is supportive and I am blessed with such a person in my life. I must remember he cares for me and wants me to do this so much for myself.

Today I weighed in on my way to lunch with another set of my girlies to see one of our friends who had a baby back in October.

Was over the moon to see another 4lbs kick the bucket! I was pleased because I have eaten 3 times this past week for various reasons but still being strict with food choices and drinking plenty of water.

We went to a lovely pub where she lives in Surrey and it was soooooooooo nice. I had a salad (what else) with prawns and asparagus with poached egg. Drank the water and was super satisfied.

On the way home, decided to go the whole hog and pop in to Nandos for chicken wings and salad. I may aswell enjoy the last day of a break before getting on 100% back to SS for the next 10 days before the carb free break for the Southport Weekender!

I know this up and down eating has not been clever, so again once back from SP I will be back on the next 12 weeks of strictness apart from Ascot ladies day and Valencia weekend away.

Right - off to do the dishes. Going back to work tomorrow as don't want to waste the days off being bored!

Hope everyone is having a successful Easter weekend.
Sounds like you had a lovely time!

Well done for keeping the food CD friendly, you've really got your head in the game!

I hope you start feeling better body-wise hon. Just think how much weight you've lost, & I bet your other half fancies you more than ever & thinks you look amazing. You'll get there ;)
Sounds like you had a lovely time!

Well done for keeping the food CD friendly, you've really got your head in the game!

I hope you start feeling better body-wise hon. Just think how much weight you've lost, & I bet your other half fancies you more than ever & thinks you look amazing. You'll get there ;)

Thank you hon for the support! D is being so supportive - he's a good man. I think he's become a wee bit insecure himself to be honest. I had to try on clothes for Sunday night as I was going out and he chose a pair of jeans and a silk top that is all the way up to my neckline and long sleeves! Everything covered!! LMAO. I wore it to be fair and felt pretty in the outfit. I'm waiting to get the photos from the night and will put a pic up.

Emmmmmm - are you hoarding easter eggs until your goal date?? If you are then YEAYYY! That's what I've done - well 2 of them anyways. I love Malteser chocolate, so easter is the only time I get it. D has bought me one and a friend has bought me one - so they are to be my birthday presents!! LOL.
Hi hun, just read your diary and I think you're really inspiring :) you'll definitely get your naked ambition and I can sympathise with you there. Although I am starkers each time me and OH do the naughty, I still don't like the fact I'm wobbling all over the place. My duvet is my hero I think lol xx

You can do this :) xxx

Thank you my lovely! That's so nice of you to say that I am inspiring. :)
I just want to have that confidence as I've never had it. I wonder if I'll still be weird about it?! I'd love to do the sexy underwear, mac and heals for when he walks in the door one day!! Fingers crossed!
How's the diet going for you?
I know what you mean! I said the same thing to D just this weekend about wishing it was the end!! I have another 3 (maybe 4) months of this! Ohhh well - another 7lbs and I will be half way there! Whoop

So today I am back on 100%. Vanilla shake with ice cold water this morning, leek and potato for lunch and 3 litres of water so far. D is making me a hot chocolate and I'm then off for an early night.
Went shopping after work and bought a couple of wee tops for the weekender from Primarni and a pair of sandals from new of the look! Cheap and cheerful but plain so I won't look like the masses!
Still have to work out what to wear for the night stuff. I need 3 day outfits and 2 night outfits. I'm thinking a black jumpsuit with this wee purple chiffon jackety type thing with the sandals. Need to try it out really. Ahhhhhhhhh choices, choices. LOL
Thank you hon for the support! D is being so supportive - he's a good man. I think he's become a wee bit insecure himself to be honest. I had to try on clothes for Sunday night as I was going out and he chose a pair of jeans and a silk top that is all the way up to my neckline and long sleeves! Everything covered!! LMAO. I wore it to be fair and felt pretty in the outfit. I'm waiting to get the photos from the night and will put a pic up.

Emmmmmm - are you hoarding easter eggs until your goal date?? If you are then YEAYYY! That's what I've done - well 2 of them anyways. I love Malteser chocolate, so easter is the only time I get it. D has bought me one and a friend has bought me one - so they are to be my birthday presents!! LOL.

Aww, he sounds lovely. Nice to be in a loving relationship, helps you handle all the other stuff better :)

Yes, I love cadbury egg chocolate, tastes better than dairy milk for some reason, lol! I've got 2 as well ;) It's nice to have something to look forward to at the end! Though not all at once :D
I have been hungry today after having my morning shake and 1.5litres of water. I normally have lunch between 2.30 and 3pm, but was hungry by 1pm today. I think it's an effect of stretching the food over the past week - even though it was salad etc, my stomach I guess was still looking for it.

Uh oh - I'm in trouble - will be back!
Ahhhhhh - not so much trouble! D just walked in and saw a rather large new purchase and so I had to explain myself in 5 seconds!! LMAO.

Back to today. Was certainly feeling hungry, so drank water to overcome the hunger and had my lunch around 2pm. Thankfully between the soup and another 1.5litres, I managed to push through until 8.30pm tonight where I treated myself to porridge. Had to count them out this evening to make sure I had enough to keep me going until the next visit. I love love love the apple porridge. It's silly because I don't order enough and then I have to use them sparingly, when actually I should just order enough for 2 meals of it a day and then a savoury. DOH!
The last time I did CD I chose more savoury things, but this time I seem to have gone towards the sweet side. Ahhh well - whatever keeps me interested and involved.

I've decided to take tomorrow afternoon off and go shopping with my friend to get an outfit for the weekender as still can't find anything in the wardrobe! Have prepared myself for the morning shake at work and a bar in my bag for lunch - so I will soldier on with the focus. The whole point is to loose the weight and never have to do this again. Make positive changes on learned habits. If we do things 29 times in a row the 30th time is a habit (or something like that!)

When I get back to preparing and eating the same as D my habits will have to change.

I am starting to stress about eating at the weekender! Today was in the supermarket to get water on the way home and saw that they had easter cakes on sale and automatically thought - oooh could buy them for the train - WTF?? Although I then did think "WTF are you thinking?" and walked past them, I am still annoyed that the thought came in to my mind. I bet you a slim person doesn't even look at the cake, nevermind have an internal fight with themselves. Oh dear!

Going to check the weather for tomorrow, choose my clothes and then head off to bed. Sleepy time xx
Well done on passing up the cakes! It's just habit, making you automatically want to buy them. Slim people would look at the cakes, only they would probably only eat one, whereas I would want them all ;P

You sound like your head is in the right place for when you finish, I'm under no impressions I can go back to how I was.

I'm the same with getting caught buying things! Doesn't help that my DS is a little snitch too, LMAO.

Have a lovely time shopping, I hope you find something pretty! :)