Full Member
All that food yet not as many points as i had expected!!!
Hope you enjoyed your chinese, made my mouth water!!
I love walking in forests and wooded areas, so peaceful!! I'm planning on doing that on Monday!
I had weigh in today and over the last 2 weeks i have lost 5.5lbs so that's 10lbs in the last 5 weeks... which is 10% of my target weight loss. I was a very happy bunny. I tried explaining to my mum my system but she couldn't understand how people lose weight eating ready meals! I should make her read your diary even though she doesnt need to lose any weight
Anyway have a great weekend Guys x
umm it was good ... but i forgot to weigh myself yesterday and this morning so weighted myself this evening and apparently since thursday i've put on 3lb ! ... not good but i know its evening so it should be less in the morning (i hope, lol) ... i'm still not convinced that what i pp it as is 100% accurate but as the pp's aren't available i have to compare it to what is ... i really hope ww publish a full (or virtually full) pp list ! it would be so useful !
me too, we had a lovely walk, it was just over 3 miles, but not as fast as i would normally walk as i had my daughter with us but its still better then sitting at home watching tv and the fresh air means we sleep better at night time ... hope you enjoy your walk on friday, i did think i might have to go for a walk through my local woods while my daughter's at school next week to walk off the chinese
well done that's fantastic ! i bet you were pleased,and so you should be! it a great achievement and feels really good! i remember when i got my 5% and 10% i was smiling the whole week and had a spring in my step ... hehe i couldn't believe it either when i found out i could live on ready meals, and still have chocolate and crisps! i was doubtful for the 1st few weeks ... and still am sometimes ... everytime i get on the scales and i've lost weight i'm still shocked