I just wanted to say how inspiring you are i have only just started and spent all morning reading your diary!
Your menu's just show how you can eat plenty of food ( or not so much) and still lose weight.
I have a similar story me one of my best friends had a deal if we ever got married we would pick eachother as bridesmaids.. shes married and i wasnt asked to be a bridesmaid! ( yes i was shocked and upset). After speaking to some friends/family about it one reason they said it may have been because i was bigger then the other people who she had ased. Harsh but true maybe? well i never got an explination but its now giving me motivation as well as rading your diary!
I start a new job on monday and i really wanna lose weight and feel happier in myself and be confident!
Well done!
ahh thank you

, Good Luck with your journey !

i'm so glad you found my diary helpful, its always good to know that you can help others just by telling them what you eat, both in planning meals and showing that a diet doesn't have to feel like a diet... which is why i'm loving WW!!! i still have takeaways and i still eat out and i still eat crisps and chocolate, and other then walking i don't do any "real" exercise.... and just by counting everything i eat and making sure if i want the "bad" foods that i have the pp's for them and i make them a treat rather then just because its there and i want it then actually i can loose weight without really thinking about it and feeling like i'm missing out!
the main changes i had to make was to not buy convenience pastry goods (pie's Sausage Rolls, ect) and desserts just so we had dessert every day after tea .. when in reality we didn't need it, and also to stop home cooking and to buy the portion controlled ready meals! as i was making something that would easily serve 4 adults just for me and my daughter .... now if i feel i need a bigger portion of something (like bulking up a ready meal) then i just do extra veg

ohh no that's really bad that after saying you would be there for each other that she would then not ask you. i would be really upset too. i don't think size should make a difference, at the end of the day a wedding should be about the wedding and not what the photo's will look like at the end if you have a bridesmaid who is bigger then the others. .... and if she'd asked you and you felt you wanted to loose some weight before the day then you would have had time and the motivation there ! ... she should at least have had the courtesy to explain to you why she didn't ask you! if she was a true friend i would rather she had told me straight so you could be upset but accept it, a real friend loves you for who you are not what you look like ! .... leave it to the men to be judgemental about our weight, not our girly friends!

i only lost 1lb before my mates wedding but i only started 6 weeks before the day but that was mainly cause i couldn't afford to join WW before then and going to classes was hard because of my daughter not being at school so i had to take her with me, which wasn't really fair on others who pay to go to group too.
yep use this as your past and motivation for your future! you show her how much skinnier you are in a years time, and how fab you could have looked at her wedding if she'd asked you a year ago to be a bridesmaid and you'd started the diet for it then !
kool a new job is always good to motivate you too! leave all your old eating habits at your last job and start your new one with your new healthy lifestyle ! .... i need to start looking for a job now my daughter is at school. was thinking i might try getting a temporary part time job over xmas while she's in school but need to know financially if its worth it. if not will try looking for a permanent job in the new year, but ones that fit into school times / holidays and pay enough to cover rent and bills and travel costs to get there and back are not going to be easy to find

... but at least it will give me more time to loose weight in before i start a job!