my new love affair with dukan ... i hope it lasts !!

well done :D
Fab loss Charly xxx
thanks u lot! i am looking forward to the final pound loss now! have had a good day went out shopping with me mum. brought myself a nice little belly button stud (have had my bely pierced for years, since i was about 18) i have not had a stud in my belly button for about 6 years as i have been too fat! so i got a real pretty one today with a crystal butterfly and little diamonties(bad spelling) that hang down will take a pic tonight and pop it on for all to see lol x then went to macdonalds for lunch had a salad with balsamic dressing was lush! brought some hair clips and did the food shop in aldis. i have to say they have some real bargains in there ... a bag of frozen tuna steaks for £2.99 and a bag of frozen salmon steaks again £2.99 they also had 2 large sea bass filets for £2.99 but i didnt buy those as not so keen on sea bass but well worth a try if you are into that! i like shopping there for the kids as the food is so reasonable and tastes good.

breakfast: oatbran porridge made with water
lunch: chicken salad with balsamic dressing (lil naughty i kno but i do like a treat)
dinner: packet of ham shredded and salad and balsamic dressing (step away from the salad dressing)
snacks so far: ham and a latte

on to tomorrow xxx fingers crossed for the week ahead! xxxx
belly stud!


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Very pretty xxx
thankyou i am such a show off! lol x
you sound so positive, i remember when i had my belly button pierced in 1930 :) the crazy lady asked if I was planning on losing weight, that should have told me something then
No piercing for me, but one of the reasons I got my tattoo on my tummy was to motivate me to keep the belly fat off! Now I'm happy to flaunt it again :)
love the tatoo idea!! but i already have 5 tatoos if i have any more gonna end up looking like a colouring book! they are so addictive tho arent they?i fancy some pink flowers on my arm by the panther i already have there (yes panther got it when i was 18 and a little bit wilder lol) oh well i suppose we will have to wait and see.
so today well off to workies at 3 and before then gonna go to a bootfair with me mum, cor i do love a bootfair! i am just addicted to charity shops and bootfairs and ebay lol i love bargains! even if i dont need the bargains i aquire i still love the thrill of getting stuff cheap! (weirdo)

so me food today is like this .... i hope!

breakfast: porridge (oatbran)
lunch: scrambled eggs and ham
dinner: steak and more steak and a lil mustard!
snacks: sf jelly
you sound so positive, i remember when i had my belly button pierced in 1930 :) the crazy lady asked if I was planning on losing weight, that should have told me something then

1930 ?? did they do belly button piercing in those days lol

Id love my belly button pierced but i have warty mole thing inside my belly button :(
1930 ?? did they do belly button piercing in those days lol

Id love my belly button pierced but i have warty mole thing inside my belly button :(
i thought that too ... dont think id have fancied getting mine pierced in 1930 wld have been a bottle of gin to sterilize it back then i reckon, altho i would probably have drank it!
definitely not 1930 ( teeny eageration) that would make me 82 if i had it when i was born and a right rebel in the war :)
ohhh back in the days (spoken in a granny voice) i was a girl had be belly button pierced during the war!! flashed it to all them army men ... thats how i met me husband!!!
lol :D
brilliant, if nothing else this diet seems to be working the imaginations :)
hmmmm mouth is watering ... tuna steaks with roasted asparagus, red pepper, garlic and onion topped off with poached egg! cannot wait! yummy xx
charly1979 said:
hmmmm mouth is watering ... tuna steaks with roasted asparagus, red pepper, garlic and onion topped off with poached egg! cannot wait! yummy xx

MmmmmmmCharly set another place im on my way xxx