im ok just been having stomach problems from the pain killers doc gave me for my back pain. his changed em but stomach isnt settling so im taking a break for few days. hows ur weight loss goin rach

Thats not good, i was put on diclofenic once and they upset the stomach, hope you get sorted soon!!

Right feeling really bad right now, and i am so not happy with myself :( and am really angry :mad: My mother in law forced a sausage sandwich on me, and i know what your thinking how can someone force one on you, well unless your living in ireland with an irish mother in law then you dont know how pushy they can be lol (dont mean that in a horrible way) all i got was go on have it, its only a sandwich it wont kill you, it wont do any harm. See the thing is she doesnt know about the xenical or the diet so, obv didnt understand why i didnt want it. I still took my tablet with in the hour of eating it, (as it ended up being my lunch) so i am not looking forward to the side effects :eek: :break_diet:
Rachgleeson said:
Thats not good, i was put on diclofenic once and they upset the stomach, hope you get sorted soon!!

Right feeling really bad right now, and i am so not happy with myself :( and am really angry :mad: My mother in law forced a sausage sandwich on me, and i know what your thinking how can someone force one on you, well unless your living in ireland with an irish mother in law then you dont know how pushy they can be lol (dont mean that in a horrible way) all i got was go on have it, its only a sandwich it wont kill you, it wont do any harm. See the thing is she doesnt know about the xenical or the diet so, obv didnt understand why i didnt want it. I still took my tablet with in the hour of eating it, (as it ended up being my lunch) so i am not looking forward to the side effects :eek: :break_diet:

i was on diclofenac am now on naproxen but my tummy hasnt settled so am takin break from em
i know how you feel with things being pushed on you..dont feel so bad hun
like you said we all have slip-ups! make today an extra healthy one to make yourself feel better =D
i know how you feel with things being pushed on you..dont feel so bad hun
like you said we all have slip-ups! make today an extra healthy one to make yourself feel better =D

Thanks sarah, being really good so far (even though it is only 5 to 1 in the afternoon) but i was really good all yesterday after the sausage incident! So i am not feeling too bad about it :)
Rachgleeson said:
Thanks sarah, being really good so far (even though it is only 5 to 1 in the afternoon) but i was really good all yesterday after the sausage incident! So i am not feeling too bad about it :)

try not worry about the slip up rach, following a strict rule can be daunting. it may happen now and then :)
try not worry about the slip up rach, following a strict rule can be daunting. it may happen now and then :)

Thanks Anika, i'm not going to let myself worry as i think thats what use to drive me to destruction mode, and i would go and ruin it all!! The side effects havent been bad at all barely had any thank god!! :D
Not really posting properly on here at all lately!! Been too busy reading everyone elses diaries!! I have been good apart from the slip up yesterday, but i'm not paying much attention to that!! It was just one of them things!! One more day till weigh in, and also get my monthly weigh in with the doctor (first one) So looking forward to see what he has to say, and need a prescription for these lovely blue pills!! Not really eating at proper times still as hubby dont get in till late at the moment so its nearly 8 most nights by the time sit down and eat as i like us to sit together and eat, although some nights i have to admit i dont wait if i am too hungry!!

We were supposed to be going tesco today, but he didnt get in till half 6, bloody half six at the weekend its stupid!! So going to have to go tomorrow and stock up on all my lovely healthy foods!! :) love doing the food shopping now!!

I am really proud of myself for sticking to this so well so far, without any major set backs. Also am slowly upping the exercise and when i say slowly it really is slowly lol. But something is better than nothing and i am loving it. Got a sore bum today though after doing some of davina mccalls workout. Didnt realise i had worked so hard!! Sorry for going on, probably boring you to tears lol!! (if anyone sticks around long enough to read it :D )
Rachgleeson said:
Not really posting properly on here at all lately!! Been too busy reading everyone elses diaries!! I have been good apart from the slip up yesterday, but i'm not paying much attention to that!! It was just one of them things!! One more day till weigh in, and also get my monthly weigh in with the doctor (first one) So looking forward to see what he has to say, and need a prescription for these lovely blue pills!! Not really eating at proper times still as hubby dont get in till late at the moment so its nearly 8 most nights by the time sit down and eat as i like us to sit together and eat, although some nights i have to admit i dont wait if i am too hungry!!

We were supposed to be going tesco today, but he didnt get in till half 6, bloody half six at the weekend its stupid!! So going to have to go tomorrow and stock up on all my lovely healthy foods!! :) love doing the food shopping now!!

I am really proud of myself for sticking to this so well so far, without any major set backs. Also am slowly upping the exercise and when i say slowly it really is slowly lol. But something is better than nothing and i am loving it. Got a sore bum today though after doing some of davina mccalls workout. Didnt realise i had worked so hard!! Sorry for going on, probably boring you to tears lol!! (if anyone sticks around long enough to read it :D )

it doesnt matter if you start off slow with exercise so long as you build it up slowly and set youself little challenges ul do great rach. and yes i read ur essay lol im really happy for u sticking with it to date, ul do great at the weigh in.
it doesnt matter if you start off slow with exercise so long as you build it up slowly and set youself little challenges ul do great rach. and yes i read ur essay lol im really happy for u sticking with it to date, ul do great at the weigh in.

lol thanks for reading it!! Thats what i though about the exercise no point rushing into it and over doing it, then hurting myself. Feels easier to do when i am not putting pressure on myself!! Hope things are going well for you :)
good luck for the wi with the Dr, I bet he'll be thrilled by how well you've done! Hope you have a good week

Thanks Aaliyah, i'm hoping he will be pleased. Better had be lol!! Anyway i am pleased so thats all that matters to me :D
Just a quick update, double weigh in day today. Weighed myself this morning and
I am made up with this loss, was expecting 2lb maybe!! Got my first weigh in with my doctor too, and hopefully another prescription for me little blue pills, Cant see any reason why he wouldnt give them to me!! Will be back later to report on that! :innocent0001:
Well done Rachel, that's a fantastic loss!!! I'm sure all will go well with your doctor and you'll be leaving with more little blue pills!! x
Thanks Caz, got my gorgeous little blue pill from my doctor. Who may i say was amazed with my weight loss :thankyouthankyou: Well going by his scales i have lost 23 lb since i last saw him 4 weeks ago, so for now our scale are in sync as far as weight loss is concerned!! Go back again next month, we both agreed it would be better to get weighed monthly instead of leaving it longer. So a brilliant day for me today,i am the happiest i have been in a long time!! Were aiming for half a stone to maybe a stone by next weigh in, but anything will be good!!