I will never give up
oh dear. oh dear oh dear oh dear......
I have been really bad.
What started of as a fri evening treat run into a weekend marathon of food.
Pizza, choc, scones, butteries the list goes on. Chinese, sticky toffee pud, muffins....tablet....oh dear.
Then, something happened on Sunday. I didn't feel so good. I had the worst gut ache ever and started having reflux and pain upper right abdo (under my ribs). Was really sick and felt terrible. I was bringing up massive amounts of acid, which has never happened before either.
My guts ached so much that I was actually looking forward to getting back on plan....day one and I am feeling fine again.
feel utterly terrified that I will never be able to eat properly again - however, is eating that lot normal????....
So, back to day one after all that hard work. What an idiot.:cry:
that happened to me too but i think thats why you have to do refeed after to slowly add healthy meals in as your body is not used to it especially after being so good. dont worry youll be fine just dont do it again hun