Just fine thanks Peach.
Up to my eyes at work and all behind like the cat's tail wrt Christmas preparations (as per blinking usual) but diet-wise all is going well. 7 stone off and just counting the days until I can get my "Century Club" banner!
Staying 100% until the New Year and then doing the Cambridge stabilisation programme which takes 8 weeks and will dovetail nicely in to the Monty method. Only question is how much more weight do I need to lose? Gonna play it by ear in 2012 and see what the Doc recommends. She reckons I shouldn't get too hung up on the BMI thing as "at my age" ( I'm 51) i'm probably better to carry a bit of extra weight as long as I keep fit.
.....and I intend to do that. Gonna add cycling to the mix in the NY!

. And try to get hubby back on to the badminton court.
Wish me luck lol