Awwww shivie what's going on honey!!! How is it you are struggling so much? Xxx
Shivie said:Can't seem to keep my focus hun, dunno what it is. And just yesterday my poor 22-yr-old cousin died
in Australia after having gone out there for work so my petty weight problems really pale into insignificance
right now. I'll figure it all out eventually I'm sure. You're a fantastic example to follow, that's for sure. xxx
Deezer said:How you doing hun??? Day 3 is it??? X
Deezer said:I'm good ta hun!!! Plodding on... TOTM making me feel very sorry for myself lol... But other than that alls good!!!
Awww honey I'm so sorry to hear that, stay strong sweetheart. You will figure it out it's all one big learning curve when you are ready you will do it! Just like when you needed to fit into that dress! The right motivation does wonders! If you need a chat im here hun Xxxx
Trueleame said:Hoping the ribs are body parts not stacked up on a plate infront of you
Now that diet I could so easily do nom nom x x x
Trueleame said:Peachy...I think it's like the chocolate diet and wouldn't worksighs lol.
How's u doing now honey? x x x
Deezer said:Bet you have a masive loss babe!!!
Your gonna do great!!! WHat day do you weigh??
Trueleame said:I'm doing ok thanks Peachy. Although such a bloated stomach todayit's painful and so not even funny x x x