Got the tree!

It is...a bit wonky! Haha. But at £21, i'm not complaining! Plus, with all the decos on now, it looks lovely. Feeling quite festive now - well, a bit festive.
Dress has been ordered and delivered to store on Sunday given that none of the local ones had it in stock. They only have a 12 in stock online, so I'm hoping for the best.
Yesterday, I felt so down. Everyone at work was in a bad mood, and when we only have a little office - it is really noticeable. It made me feel rubbish too. I got home and we had a nightmare trying to get the tree sorted. TOTM is due, nothing was going to plan. I REALLY wanted to just throw in the towel and have a massive pizza.
I decided that the best thing I could do would be to have a step 3 meal and made myself some cous cous to go with chicken, beans and veg. I really wanted pudding. I had my shake and then did some cooking in the kitchen, hoping this would make me more focussed. I busied myself making pastry and chocolate nut rounds for work today. I am a little ashamed to say I had two of them, and a couple of the nuts whilst I was preparing them. Though it did sort out my craving, I felt so rubbish afterwards.
I just can't seem to get back on that even keel of 11st 7lb and I think the pressure i'm putting on myself isn't helping. I am debating trying to keep between 11st7lb and 12st until after Christmas because I feel like i'm fighting all the time to hit something. I really WANT to be there, but I just can't see it happening before Christmas. From having no plans, this is what the next week looks like for me:
Fri 12th - work meal: buffet at a thai
Sat 13th - out all day helping my parents at a jam sale. Then invited to friends for dinner in the evening.
Sun 14th - CDC meeting, bowling with old work colleagues, I think we're having dinner afterwards...not sure.
Mon 15th - A "normal" evening
Tue 16th - Meal with sales team: curry
Wed 17th - Meal with friends at a favourite pub
Thu 18th - Bring and share lunch at work.
Plans are afoot also for the following weekend - I think drinks and poss a family meal also...then it's into the crazy week of Christmas...
I feel a little overwhelmed by it all at the moment - I feel a lot of pressure from CWP with all of these social occasions. I've got barely a day or two to try and minimise damage and it's all a bit much.
Sorry i'm not my normal jolly self - just feeling pretty fed up and low at the moment.