Well, that was some sort of Christmas. I have basically been off plan for two weeks - I haven't gone completely off the rails eating everything in sight, I have just enjoyed my time off and the break.
A consequence of this is me sitting above my "allowed range" this morning, and weighing in at 12st 3lb. This is a 1/2st gain since my pre-Christmas weigh in. Usually, this kind of thing might de-rail me and send me spiralling into despair and further gain. NOT THIS TIME! I am still over 3st lighter than this time last year - this is pretty darn exciting to think about.
I now need to focus on my plan of action. Though I have my products with me today, it will be more of an SS+ day since I have an evening meal for my cousin's birthday. Tomorrow I'll be seeing CDC for the first time in two weeks, so official WI time...eek then I am being taken out for a lovely meal. Sunday is a clear run and then it's back on track fully for Monday - no plans!

Next "event" is then Thursday night when we're going out for my brother's styley.
I am planning on doing two weeks of ss/ss+ to take me into mid-Jan. I am hoping by then that I am near to being back at my upper target again of 11st7lb by then with any luck. The following week, I am away from work for a couple of days, so ss+ or step 2 will suit much better, but hopefully by then end of Jan i'll be working on my final 1/2 stone and moving up through the steps properly.
Feb i'm getting back to the gym to start toning and fitness. I'm planning on running a 5k this year as one of my targets, so once the clocks change and I can run outside, I think I might start the couch25k program (along with moving through the steps.)
I get married at the end of May. I get married THIS YEAR. We've got a fair bit of planning stuff to do over the next couple of weeks with invites etc. but it's all exciting! It's quite good keeping me on the straight and narrow with it all too...
So, here's to an amazing 2015 all!