yeah im worried about maintaining too. Also really want to fall pregnant soon, the reason i started to lose weight partly was because I really wanted to start trying for lil bubbas and didnt want to be overweight and pregnant, I felt so cr*p as it is and being pregnant just makes your hormones go awol so wanted to enjoy my preganncy and not feel big and blobby all the time. soooo tempted to eat, i do have junk in i could eat but dont have what I want in the house (really want cereal but no milk!) and i have puposefully not gone shopping and brought food into the house as ive been home this week and i didnt want the temptations in the house.
Because we are activley trying now, i really want to and need to get this weight of ASAP! the nurse said to me, yes you keep saying it'll take you ages to get pregnant but what if you get pregnant straight away? lol thats why I'm keen to get this of ASAP and have opted to carry on with LT even though im struggling, at least I know I'm losing.
was just talking to someone, and she was with me when a few people were saying id lost too much weight and she said to me the only reason they keep saying that is because they are not used to seeing you that slim, she said she thought I looked fab (i was 8st 6 that day!!) so I'm even more keen to get back then and I felt happyish at that weight. dont know what i still weigh and i think not weighing is good for me right now, I'm trying to hold out till next week Saturday to weigh, Im worried already as got dinner invites at my inlaws this thursday, need to think of some excuses. hope by that time im still staying strong on lipotrim. really its now or never
I really want to finally get to my goal, look at myself, not be skinny but be able to confidently say i'm slim. in a way im hoping these blips will have taught me something about how i will maintain so its not all gone to waste so to speak, maybe if i stayed 100% all the way, did a proper refeed i would have struggled to mainain and gone awol, but the things that have gone on with the bingeing and eating till i physically feel sick have taught me some lessons which will hel me maintain and keep the weight of for good.
for me, I have previously struggled to get below 9st 3lbs. i used to exercise harcore daily, 2 hours spinning and body pump 6 days a week and following weight watchers and just couldnt get rid of any more, so disheartnig and all that hard work!! so im soo pleased with lipotrim ive got down to being that slim!! woop woop!! I know if I try and get down to that another way I wont be able to which is another reason I want to keep with lipotrim.
Ive looked at slim and save loads of times and have considred it but it just seems like you dont get the same sort of losses as you do on lipotrim....what do you think, i've had a look at some peoples losses on Slim and Save and they just dont seem as fantastic as LT hencw ive been put off. Its propbably something id do in the future if I had half a stone/one stone to lose purely becuase I know my pharmacy wouldnt give me liptrim.
dont think I will EVER hve a flat stomuch either!!! no amtter how skinny i get. i have a horrible stomuch, my weight goes there and on my face ,however im lucky in clothes it looks like ive got a flat stomuch so im not too bothered as long as I look good in clothes, my sis is soooo tiny, little ickle dinky thingg and she has a little belly pooch!!heheh!! i am going to be doing the jilliam michaels 6 weeks to a 6 pack tho, just been a bit lazy and didnt do it yesterday or today.
really really want to stay strong, mind over matter. i can do this!!