My slim dream, 7stone in and 3 to go in time for christmas????

Well night 2 has arrived and i think it may be a tad busier than last night and for some reason my stomach feels like its devouring itself grr could do without that and nor can i explain it but hey ho.

WPW how are you getting on? I did look at that 50lb thread but as it started 3 weeks ago i'm going to just keep going with the monthly targets, wanna get these nights out of the way and see how well i do weight wise on them, could either be amazing for me or i'll retain loads of water and hardly lose anything but would like to shift 2 stone before i finish them if that's possible.

Anyone any nice plans for the weekend? I shall be sleeping tomorrow then got some DIY to do with hubby then back in work and on Sun in the afternoon after i've slept we're going to a friends barbecue, weather permitting, so that should be interesting, least its mainly carb free what's cooked on a barbe!!!
Well my 2nd night is nearing it's end, just 2 more hours to go, not been too bad and stomach seemed to have settled down after the first few hours of grumbling. I shall be looking forward to my bed and hope everyoner has a lovely day in the sunshine
And all my nights for this week finished successfully :) Had a lovely sleep today then went to friends for a bbq, i'd decided i was only going to have some if it was chicken and i stuck to that, no chicken was available so i stuck to my milkshakes and had a lovely protein meal when i came home :)

Going to the zoo tomorrow with hubby and Ella really looking forward to that then Tuesday meeting a friend for a brew and Wednesday taking my mum nice shopping for clothes and some house stuff for us :)
Hey nina

Sounds like you r doing great! how was it at the zoo?

People are still joining the 50 thread but I understand you gotta do what's best for you x
Zoo was amazing, we got back about half 6 but i was so tired from my nights and just generally poor sleep the previous day that i was in bed for half 7. Stuck to my products and carb free foods and today ive been into town this morning, bought some lovely flat shoes for work, hush puppies they're really cute and some foundation as i'm running low. Ella's birthday presents have arrived today, just need to keep them out of sight until next Tues hehe :)
Well it's been a busy 3 nights but i'm not complaining i've enjoyed them, got less than an hour to go then i'm off for 4 nights yay :) And what a busy 4 days we've got planned. Later today when i get up we're seeing my sister so Ella can have her bday present then Sun we're going to a christening then to friends later then Mon we got to Thomas Land for Ella's birthday and Tues on her actual birthday we're spending the day with the inlaws :) Going to be busy busy busy, weather forecast isnt good but i'm sure we'll have a good time anyway.

Diet wise being 100% but i keep saying it, nights make it so so muh more easier for me. I'm going on a night out for August bank holiday and it would be lovely to be in those 14s, it's doable 10 weeks to lose 24lbs and i'd be 14st 13lbs and who knows if my body plays ball and i still stay as focused as i am right now that number could be even less, only time shall tell hehe :)

Well have a lovely weekend people xx
Meep all alone on my diary again, sigh, hey ho good job i'm pretty good company for myself hehe :)

Well today should have been WI and i've had a good, not 100% but good week. TOTM hit me for first time in over 6 months and i'm bloated like a stuffed pig so ended up havign a carb out on Sunday but very pleased with myself as i've had ample other opportunities since to eat junk and stuck to plan. Yesterday was my lil girl's 3rd birthday, we took her to Thomas land on Monday and i stuck to plan and yesterday the inlaws but on a carb fuelled, pasty-fied buffet dinner and i had a banana tatra and when the bday cake came out i had a big glass of water so i was very pleased with myself. WI should have been this morning but CWP had to cancel due to a personal emergency so i'm getting weighed Sun am now as i'm on nights til Saturday so i reckon with the TOTM and extra carbs it'll be a 2/3lbs loss this week but a loss is a loss.

5th yr wedding anniversary is in 15days and hubby wants to take me out to re-create our first date which was chinese and bowling but i'd love to be possibly nr the 15s by then. Oh and we move house in 11 days so going to be a busy week coming up :)

Well hopefully this warm weather keeps all the poorly people well so i can have a good 3 nights :) Hope everyone is well and being 100% :)
Hey hun you're not on your own!! :) I haven't been on the forum for weeks tbh and just popped on to see how everyone is going and it sends so quiet! Need to go and update my diary!

Sounds like you had such a busy weekend and a fun one! Massive well done for resisting the carbs and cake, that's brilliant :)

Keep up the good work!
Thanks hun, lovely to see you're doing so well :) not a lot changed here, work's been busy on the nights but I'm managing to sleep well in the day, last one tonight til Monday and hoping for a 2-3lb loss on Sunday. Ellas gone up to Anglesey for the weekend with my mum n dad so actually get a weekend with just hubby and I :) hope everyone has a lovely weekend xx
Wahoooo weighed today lost another whopping 5lbs, that's 18lbs in 3weeks I am completely over the moon :) that means if I can lose 5 in the next 2wks I'll be back to what I was when I finished in Feb in time for wedding anniversary and keeps me right on track to be at goal by or before Christmas eeeeek
A few pics of Ella's birthday and us on rollercoaster at Thomasland :)


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Wow well done you resisting the buffet that's great willpower!! Your doing so well :)
I've not been Drayton manor my little boy is 3 did your little one enjoy it? Xx
Thanks Hayley and yes it was AMAZING she's 96cms so was tall enough to go on every ride but 11 of the 12 rides you either had to be 90 or under but with an adult of course. We only went in the afternoon though thinking we'd be done but could easily have gone from opening time til closing was brilliant, they have live shows 4 times during the day too all Thomas related of course and the train ride they do is actually with life size thomas trains and their eyes even roll round like in the cartoon!!! Definitely worth every penny
Wahoooo weighed today lost another whopping 5lbs, that's 18lbs in 3weeks I am completely over the moon :) that means if I can lose 5 in the next 2wks I'll be back to what I was when I finished in Feb in time for wedding anniversary and keeps me right on track to be at goal by or before Christmas eeeeek

Yay! Posting a well done on your diary too :)

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Haha thanks. Well its almost my 1st night of the week over and boy has it been hectic. Least it takes your mind off food and carby things though.

One thing i am confused about though is before i stopped the diet in Feb my bottoms were down to deffo an 18 in everything and i had some work trousers that were 16s right now im apparently the same inches as i was then and my size 18s are tight how does that work????
Hi Nina, I have been lurking on your thread for a while but didn't want to gatecrash :D I just love reading your diary :) It's strange about your trousers... If you're the same measurements, then it's bound to be the fabric!
Hi Nina, I have been lurking on your thread for a while but didn't want to gatecrash :D I just love reading your diary :) It's strange about your trousers... If you're the same measurements, then it's bound to be the fabric!
Hello bookworm, there's no gatecrashers here all help and support is welcomed :) oh and trousers r same ones so that's y I can't explain it it's very odd.

I'm off work now til Sun night, had 3 horrific nights so I'm very ready for my bed
Hey missy

Yr v much not alone
Yr little girls so cute and looks like she had a fab time xxxxx well done on the loss and yes I have noted the milkshake in hand well done u x x