Gold Member
Well it is now the early hours of Sunday morning and i'm on my last night shift for the week. Hoping i wont have many more to go i've asked to move back on to days as it's starting to wear me down with the volume of people coming through for assessment and i'm starting to psychologically take work home with me which isn't a good sign.
Boring stuff diet wise haven't strayed and managing with water volume, got back into my size 16 work trousers tonight and they don't feel as tight as they were when i wore them back in March so taking it all as a good signReally really need to get my boobs measured too, cups are half full and i'm on last notch but then i'm loathed to spend a lot on a bra that won't hopefully fit me in a few months time oh decisions decisions
Hey Hun great about the clothes shrinking its costly but fun buying new 'I fit in u now' clothes