I decided to take Biscuit to the post office for a gently walk (just over a mile ish round trip) the walk there was fine but when I walked him past the butchers shop he cowered down to the floor and tried to run past the shop and his tail was curled right under him. The shop was closed and shutters pulled down so no idea what spooked him, unless it was the smell. Anyway we got to the post office and posted our letter and set off home. When we were just leaving the town a huge Boxer, intact male dog started to follow us. he looked a real mean dog, but we just carried on walking, but the boxer started to circle us and made us stop. he was nose to nose with little Biscuit and he dropped to the floor. A man stopped in a car and told me to pay attention as this dog was very dangerous; hence my bum starting to twitch a bit. The man then drove on but stopped again as he saw the boxer was not letting us move. he got out of his car and then started to take photos with his phone. The dog then went for poor Biscuit, growling, snarling and biting and my poor baby was terrified. The man ran back to his car and got a wooden cosh out of the door and ran towards us shouting and waving the cosh, so the boxer ran off. Then some of the local resident s came out of their houses and the man phoned the gendarmes; apparently this dog has attacked 3 dogs being walked in the last 3 days. The gendarmes asked the man for my details so I supplied my name address and telephone number and am expecting a visit. the man also said he would go to the town hall and report the incident as the dog needed to be destroyed. I am a great animal lover, but I have to agree that the behaviour of this dog is unacceptable and dangerous and he probably does need to be destroyed if he is allowed to wander and cause injuries to innocent animals.
Needless to say when I got home I was a bit of a quivering wreck. Biscuit quickly got over the ordeal, but hubby is going to sort me out a walking stick that I can take with me when I walk the dog to protect me and Biscuit should the Boxer be about again. I refuse to be stopped from walking my dogs into town as it is good for their education and socialisation, but we do need to be safe. Nobody appears to know who owns the dog but it has been hanging around for the last 3 days now.