I decided yesterday to make my meals smaller by one third and see if it made any difference with this horrible pain ?IBS/gallstones, whatever it is. Anyway I had a little bit of pain after my meal, about 30 mins to an hour but then it subsided, so as far as I am concerned, RESULT. So lets see what today brings!
I am up at stupid o clock due to one of the cats doing a charlie's cat impression of walking up and down on my head at 5.30am, so all the animals were fed and watered by 6am this morning. I looked a pretty picture walking down the garden to the chicken pen in the dark with my torch wearing my dressing gown and wellies.
So the plan for today if I can stay awake is to go to Nontron to do some shopping; find my advent calendar in preparation for thursday, walk the dog and visit friends; so a pretty full on day; oh and if time, make my xmas pudding.
I weighed today and stayed the same, which I have done now for the last 4 weeks, but then I suppose that in itself is a result; No gain and I have slowly been adding more food, still having 2 products a day but then a meal and dessert and some fruit and some protein at lunch time too. I will be happy if I can keep this up to xmas and then maybe do a month of 100% in the new year.