Good DD for me yesterday again. Had chicken tikka slices (leftover from last DD) and salad. 150 cals then 2 packs of french fries - 164 not very good but still well under my 500.
UD for me today.
Busy day for me. Open aftrenoon at Emma's school from 1pm. Mum usually takes her swimming and keeps her overnight as I do my cookery class. Not sure I really fancy it tonight as it doesn't look very exciting. The church that we go to is very involved in charity called 'Marys Meals'. They build feeding places and schools for children so that all the children get at least one meal at school every day. They decided to launch a book and asked for recipes, so my mum put a couple in and they have been chosen for the book. It is the launch of it this evening and she is invited as she is in the book. Thinking I may go to that instead.
So far had a bit of toast with butter this morning and am just making some bread for mum. I made some for me yesterday, ready for this morning.