Thanks everyone!

Still proud of myself today! haha.
Todays food;
Breakfast: 2 Satsumas (s), an Apple (s), Mullerlight (free) and Coffee (part HEA)
Lunch: SW Soup (free and s), Ham and Laughing Cow EL Toasted Sandwich (HEB, free and part HEA).
Dinner: SW Meal (free and s), Kale (s), Satsuma (s)
Supper: Cheese and Broccoli Pasta n Sauce (0.5 syns), 2 Slices of Corned Beef (2 syns) and a Mini Peperami (1 Syn)
Snacks: Ripple (9 syns) and some pea snack things (4.5 syns)
Syns: 15
Weekly Syns: 17/105
Bit gross but I haven't been to the toilet in 2 days, so I know I haven't lost anything since weigh day. Trying to eat oranges and stuff but it's not working!! I need tips LOL. Been eating loads of veg so I dunno why!
Ordering myself a new Swimming Cossie today, and also some swimming shorts as I hate my current cossie, has one of those holes in the back and shows all your back flab!
There was an Aqua Fit class on last night when I went swimming and it looked like so much fun, Anna we should totally go!!
Can really feel that I did exercise yesterday, so happy with that!
So tired today, can not get motivated at all. Glad I prepped some soup yesterday!
Hope you're all having a good day! xx