Hi guys, sorry I was not on yesterday, I was working 7-1, had a cheeky nap, then straight out to see Avenged Sevenfold and Disturbed at the Arena, so yesterday was a BAD DAY!!! haha I'm not going to lie. (diet wise)
Thanks for the tips everyone! The mince pie Danish was AMAZING and I don't feel guilty for having it, I cut it in half and had half after I'd cooked them and half on my break. But before, I'd have just had a full one, then another full one later!! So I was still pleased with myself. Small steps and everything.
Yesterday wasn't much better. We always have sandwiches from the sandwich shop on a Sunday morning, so I ordered Bacon, Mushroom, Tomatoes and Egg, and took the fat off the bacon and had it on a wholemeal roll, which I counted as my HE.
For dinner we went to Nandos. The plan was to have Half a Chicken, Spicy Rice and Corn on the Cob. However I ended up having chips instead...
THEN after the gig we were both starving so ended up calling at McDonalds.
So yes, this weekend has been terrible, but I'm straight back on it today!
Been swimming this morning. Did 20 lengths but I timed myself, and made myself work harder. Really feel like I've done a workout now.
Just come home and cooked Brunch for me and hubby who has the day off work.
SO todays plan;
Breakfast: None
Lunch: Bacon (free), Scrambled Egg (free), Tomatoes (s) on Toast (HEB) with a coffee.
Dinner: SW Meal (Chicken and Chorizo Paella, free), with some Steamed Veg.
Supper: Super Noodles and some cherry tomatoes.
Snacks: Strawberries, Orange and Raspberries.
HEA: Milk
HEB: Bread
Syns: 0/15
Hope you are all doing well!