day 10
it was a nice day din get any time to exercise however managed to walk a lot all day n indulge myself in physical activities n took ,went to heathrow airport to seeoff my uncle ,while everyone took elevator i took stairs by choice 3 times ,trust me i really wanted to be active ,did not feel hungry atall,however today i had 3 cups of coffee which is a little too much for me ,felt bad for fam cuz dey r cancelling their dinner invites including one today so i don feel bad about em since i cannot eat .gotta admit family is showing immense support and even my doctor,and my aunt bought a Dom Perignon champagne for 300 pounds and promised me when i will get to 30 bmi she will fly the same week and will throw the best party ever .it gives you a really good feelin when you know people do really care for you ,on this note iam hoping that all of you there who are sailing along with me had a stronger day ,fyi my freaking waist got down by 2 inches ,