Diet coach ... Who u mean me ?? Lol
And no had 2 movicols will have more today again
Hi Claire,
I have been typing my ARCS on the computer. I can email them to you if you like -- then you can just alter them to suit yourself. PM me your email if you want.
Also, I think the ex is a good choice. He is military and I am sure understands both discipline and the importance of being fit and healthy!
ooooooOOOhh clarie u could of chose me instead.. LOL xgod bless the movicol, lol its wonderful stuff
im sure you would make a great diet coach but it wasnt you i rang, it was my ex, lol
Have a boogie round the living room![]()
LOL LOL ..funny .. im laughing at the way u wrote it hun..!hmm so my sister was telling me bout the dresses shes found for me and other bridesmaids to wear for her wedding
she plans to get me a size 20, her weddings not till 2013, kinda insulted since she was with me the other day when i had to ask the assistant to bring me an 18, so why would i be needing a 20 in 2 years time
Morning claire... xx