is your son statemented?
madam has what they call social hotspotting for her autistic tendancys ( most agree shes autistic but they want to watch and wait as shes an extreme ex prem ) to get her to react to the other kids normally. at the mo she wont talk to them just about them and if they approach her it does not go well
madams statement is wolley in places so open to interpretation and the school sure have a lose way of viewing it. it says she must have someone with her while shes eating to prompt her to chew and swallow so she doesnt choke if she forgets its in her mouth and they think just seeing her take one bite fulfils that requirement
God, that's awful! I bet you're so stressed worrying about her when she's at school.
No, he just went to a Paediatrician at a behavioural clinic, he said he might grow out of it, and that he hits out at nursery because he finds it hard to explain his frustration, plus he's one of the youngest in the year. They think he's hitting for attention & doesn't know how to get it without misbehaving, we give him lots of attention at home but he wants ALL the attention ALL the time, and he's like a dog with a bone, so single minded if he's got an idea in his head. Even at the detriment of himself, like throwing his favourite toys until they break, then crying about it. He's just not listening to anything we tell him at the moment, going through a bad patch, I'm terrified he's going to get run over on the way to & from school as he won't hold my hand when we're out, he used to when we were crossing the roads but he's started to stop that. He's uncontrollable at times. It's hard, you think that a 3.5 year old shouldn't conform but at nearly 3 stones and as stubborn as a mule it's not like I can just pick him up & carry him!
Then he & SO clash over his behaviour, SO is as stubborn as he is & neither one will back down.
He's seen the inclusion officer at Nursery, she thinks he will grow out of it. He's also got an appt at the mental health clinic, hopefully they can give us some tips on how to discipline him cos God knows we've tried everything! I feel bad as we always seem to be shouting at him.

A big part of my emotional eating is from stress over this. I even started smoking again for a week over Xmas, his behaviour was so bad.