Morning Claire hope your resting today ? Like me lol x
Did you get it all sorted between mint shakes? MorningHi again Shanny....are we doing the same circuit here?
Yep yep she's stalking shanny alright I'm glad you have noticed Claire.. What shall we do about let me think as I'm going back to bed now! Xare you stalking shanny? theres laws against that kind of thing you know
Yep yep she's stalking shanny alright I'm glad you have noticed Claire.. What shall we do about let me think as I'm going back to bed now! X
Claire put your feet up and chill I'm watching corrie in bed. ! Xx
It was pure co-incidence!! It has been ages since my last injunction!![]()
so long as that injunction wasnt for stalking justin beiber or someone equally nauseating then ill let that slide
Urrgh, Justin Beiber. I have just one question about him. Why?
I'm having a nice weekend so far. Had my hair cut, ranted at the woman who answered the phone at Virgin Media about the fact that my internet connection has been cutting in and out for the last 3 days (there's a fault apparently but she didn't know when it was due for a fix - ha.). I asked her how long fixes usually take and she said 24 hours. So I said, "Well, that's not promising - it's been 3 days already!" Oh well.
Even better than ranting (and I did it in a nice, good-humoured way before any call centre workers tell me I'm horrible!), the scales were down 2lbs this morning - yay! 14st 2lbs - get in.
Hope your day gets a bit more chilled as it goes on, Claire x
ahh virgin media sucks. i pay for 20mb broardband and im lucky if i get 5
dont ya just love it when they sit there telling you to just switch it off and on again, by about the 10th time they get round to agreeing maybe you need a technition to do a visit, lol