Name 1 physical feature of yours that you like! :)

RawrGirl likes her eyes, as she usually gets compliments on them the most.

What she hates? Hands, upper arms, stomach (all stretched out and wrinkly from pregnancy), bum, and thighs.

Her hair is okay, long and thick, the problem is she has no idea how to take care of it so it's always just kind of flat and blah looking. But on the occasions that it looks good, she really likes it.
I love my eyes, i'd post a link but I can't haha maybe I'll get a picture bb coded and put it in my signiture :) but when i lose the weight i want to love my legs and collarbones :)
I used to love my nose until a patient of mine broke it last year, now it has a bump on it after the surgery.

Is skin classed as a body part? I have super soft skin, very little hair and i moisturize like a freak, so I only really love my skin at the moment.

My left foots is OK i guess, it has a pretty tattoo on it so if skin doesnt count im going with my left foot!
I've got really small hands and feet (shoe size is 2.5-3!), I think they're cute. Also after the weight loss I WILL like my face, now it's just too fatty. :)
my favorite are my eyes.... they are multicoloured with one eye having a brown "freckle" in it - i love them... very unique... lol...
I am looking forward to likeing my hands... i have short fat fingers, with no obviouse knuckles :( Has earnt me the nickname "crocodile hands" :(
Umm I dont know if they count but my teeth? after that i'd say my legs BELOW the knee cap haha!
My eyes!! One is half blue & half brown and the other is 3/4 blue and 1/4 brown. Always a conversation starter when people realise :)
My finger nails.

I know, weird. However, i bit them for years until extensive orthodontic treatment meant i couldn't bring my front teeth together any more. (Plastic plate covering *all* of my molars/premolars while everything in my mouth moved around) My nails began to grow and get stronger, people complimented me, and i felt better and better about them. I have some many tools and potions and polishes i need two big vanity bags to hold the lot. I also do freehand nail art as a hobby now. They make me feel good and i even feel sexier with my nails painted up all fancy.

What i'd love to love: My mouth, it's a cute little doll's rosebud, but it doesn't suit my chubby face at all and looks lost and way too small. I''d love to look at it and think that it suited me.
I like my bum :)

...and I'd like to be able to show off my stomach and my arms after this healthy overhaul (yes I know that's two, yes I am greedy! haha!)
I currently like my boobs, my collarbone and my afro hair!

I would like to love my stomach (so wobbly!) and great legs (which looking at old photos of my mum will hopefully be the case, cause I have the same body!)
My feet! A doctor once complimented me on them!! I hadn't paid them much attention before that but I realised that they have put up with my enormous bulk all these years so I am thankful that they are still going strong:)
I love my eyes and lips(when not chapped) would love to love my bum again! :)