Nannydi -diet gone to pot and waiting for news from mum x

cor! this ain't good! i hidden way down page 2!!!!

am really gonna try now to get back into plan
i am my own worst enemy i been following it loosely and haven't had the losses i usually get, am gonna give EE a go on day two at mo and am behaving quite well!

going shopping now
bit fed up if i am honest lol
it now three weeks into the year and i ain't lost any weight yet!
been really good this week and then AF came so have swelled up like a pig as normal!
last time i lost weight was 18th december
i lost 2lb then missed weigh in over xmas and new year and then on 8/1 gained 0.5lb
15/1 maintained
22/1 ????

i know maintaining is better than putting on, but i so want to get under 15st, i going to nottingham in feb for my mums 70th birthday and i wanted to lose as much as i can which at the rate i going ain't gonna be much.
i got hospital appointment tuesday, am going in for a small op
my periods are extremely painful and heavy and i've been on tablets for years to help but even they stopped working now so having my womb lining nuked!!!

doctor reckons it'll slow them right down or stop them altogether (hoping for the latter!)
i having it done then hubby got to fetch me and then i got to rest to make sure the aenesthetic gets out of my system so hubby will force me to go to bed and not let me get out lol
last time i had an op (was streilised 5 years ago) he wouldn't let me go on pc but he can knickers i gonna make sure my laptop is by the bed before i go in lol
Oh Nannydi! You are funny! I would hide the laptop under the duvet!
One of my pals had that op last year and she said she wished shed'd had it done years ago! She's like a different woman!
NOW! If you've had this hanging over you, no wonder you haven't been able to concentrate on SW. Be kind to yourself, as soon as you get over this, I'll guarantee you will get your enthusiasm back and your weight will plummet! Good luck Hun! I'll be thinking about you. xx
oooooo update hospital rang me this morning they got a space for saturday!
me being me thought they meant next saturday but oooooh no they mean this saturday
i got to be there for 8am! so intend to get up as late as humanly possible and leg it down to the hospital,as it is nil by mouth!!!

they ain't gonna stop me having a cig though lol
well i been to hospital, had my op and i back home in bed resting lol
tummy pains are quite bad but they should ease in a day or two, hopefully AF should either p*** off for good or be nowhere as bad as it has been
am patiently waiting to be fed now
am well watered lol
((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))) how are you feeling hope you are resting :wave_cry:
OMG! i can't believe i am actually going to do it
i am finally going to join the gym!
need to tone me bits that are beginning to get flabby lol
hope your feeling better nanny ...I am off plan for a bit now as i move down to buxton in 3 weeks and busy packing ...although i am trying to be good !
hope to be back soon be good and keep smiling
hugs gilly xxx
i got my induction tomorrow lol
well i have been doing my exercises each morning this week on the wii on "my personal trainer"
she's a really bossy cow lol and she is evil she tells me i can do it even when i hyperventilating lol
i only doing 15 mins a day so far but its a lot more than what i was doin
been for my induction today, was good but some of them machines look well scary!!! got to go back tomorrow night to have assessment to plan my exercise regime ( does anyone else regime makes it sound military!?)

then hopefully will be going after kids have gone to school monday to friday
do a bit of body magic!
fab :) get you fitness freak lol
i wish!
need to kkep mind busy got a lot of probs with kids and found out today my mum in nottingham has a shadow on her lung x
well i fed up 2.5lb gain this week
i gonna stick to red days and mix 2max cos i not getting on with EE at all
i miss my 2 hex's 1 ain't enough for me and i trying to cut out my tea with milk and having fruit teas etc so i can use hexa somewhere else!
sorry not been around much at mo.....what with things up north with my mum and problems with the kids the diet has well and truly gone to pot
i have been eating anything and everything this week
mum at hospital today and she should fin out if it is the Big "c" today so keep your fingers crossed x